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Complete Theater of Pain +12 Mythic Plus Dungeon on Shadowlands | Week #3 of the season | Fortified, Spiteful, Grievous, Prideful.
Bad news I think this will be the last one as Destruction Warlock, having some runs on pugs with affliction and it feels slightly better. But we will see what we can do, I don’t think I’m gonna trash Destro but for now it feels kinda strange.
If you have any questions feel free to comment or drop by my stream on Twitch!
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Great! Finally another video! Thx!
destro ? for fortified seems good
Do you think Destruction is the overall better spec for Mythic +? I just started out playing Warlock a few days ago, I tried Demonology, and I saw your videos and swapped to Destruction. Definitly fun to play, but Mythic + wise, do you think it's the most competitive spec?
Kinda saddened me to see the dps and dmg gap between you and the other dpsers, almost 20% off the hunter…
It’s weird seeing u play this really good but still being so far behind other dps classes.. really makes me reconsider my class choice 😀
Game is so unbalanced right now, if you are not fire mage, mm hunter, balance dudu and unholy dk, you cant put up good damage.
"Amazing lock" I wish my ex-bike could say the same thing…
warlocks deserve a good aoe as well, blizzard made a huge mistake and they have to find a way to destroy this hunter,balance druid ''meta'' i dont like being a meta slave when comes to a class. i want to play a class i enjoy playing and not what blizzard pusing me to play to progress. sadly this is not the first expansion is happing and i am sure not the last either but anyway. great video and wp.
destruction lol
Ey man, why did you craft wilfred on wrist over ring?
Hello. What nameplate addon are you using?