How Shadowlands Brings New Ideas To World Of Warcraft

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Kurt Indovina talks with World of Warcraft Lead Game Designer Morgan Day on what’s coming in the latest expansion, Shadowlands.


16 thoughts on “How Shadowlands Brings New Ideas To World Of Warcraft”

  1. $20 a month in Canada. I honestly don't see too much new anything with WoW mechanic wise that excites me. If they were to throw something down revolutionary and trend setting for the MMORPG world then sure, I'd re-sub. I played on and off from 2008- Earlier this year. I love the artstyle and goofiness of it, but the game play bores the shit out of me. Making a game ain't easy, that's for sure, but when you got blizzard money and millions giving you $20/month, this game should be reinventing the MMO landscape every 4 years. Blizzard, you have got too used to making much money for little work (not talking about the art team, they rock).

  2. They can bring as much new things as they like, i play the game for almost 12 years now, since 2009 it hasnt been the same. WoW needs a new head team to change, or it will b another BFA exp or as its best some Legion kinda exp again and again. New ideas comes from new ppl. We never had some great hero experience since we killed the Lich King.

  3. New ideas? All the "new systems" are just rehashed systems from past expansions. Everything from the developer live stream screamed grind more! Literally most interesting new things are the class changes and Torghast. Very disappointed that they didn't drastically change WoW from the huge negative reaction of BFA.

  4. You don't really get to chose a covenant. What will happen is players will datamine and sim all the abilities soulbinds and conduits for your class and the best for you class will be it. You might get away with the second best covenant for your class, but people wont take you to any content if you don't have S tier everything. Let us work on all of the covenants or allow us to swap without major penalties. Don't want ppl constantly swapping for raids and M+ bosses? Put a 24 hour CD on swapping the abilities. Honestly I would rather be told that I can only use the powers of one covenant at a time because it is too much for a mortal to handle and have to choose which one I will borrow from while being able to bolster all the factions and work towards their rewards. Alternatively you could have it where you choose only one to represent during the Xpac and has major updates come out you can bolster a 2nd and 3rd covenant but still only choose the powers of one.

  5. 8:35 If they are going to squish the leveling system.. why are they advertising Boost a character to lvl 120 when you buy shadowlands.. check the official site.. it's there… if they are squishing.. why false advertise?

  6. I quit since Legion then I returned for only and ONLY Classic but even Classic was disappointment for 2 months because of long queue and Blizzard not fixing queuing time so i was paying subscription to play classic only to wait for 5 – 8 hours in queue system. And Blizzard have gained more of an attitude in their customer service. This lead to all negativity and I finally quit WOW. and now this video was in News and I am not even getting any excitement to return. Lets all hope this becomes another disaster and and Finally Blizzard goes bankrupt ( i can hope)


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