These Look SO GOOD! Shadowlands WARRIOR Legendaries! – WoW: Shadowlands Alpha

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43 thoughts on “These Look SO GOOD! Shadowlands WARRIOR Legendaries! – WoW: Shadowlands Alpha”

  1. Imagine the combos when they allow us to wield two leggos at once like legion..

    Using spell reflect leggo and shield wall leggo makes your party unkillable for insane pulls….

  2. The thing you forgot to mention on the spell reflect legendary is it only works for one spell. It isn't a 15 second damage reduction that's only if they don't use single target against you.

  3. Hmm after being stuck with shadow priest for BfA, I levelled up a mage and a warrior just in case. Looking like priest stays the same I will Errol, both look impressive arms and frost!

  4. Its not good.Warrior again only he 0 self regen hp.
    How win duel? How play world pvp?
    Pve is aspect game for unbrained ppl
    This game is unbalanced another expansion
    best option is removed all spec dps self regen hp.

  5. Can you combine that spell reflect leggo with the protection warrior PVP talent of mass spell reflect for 33% uptime of spell immunity along with 30%+20% magical damage reduction? Some of these leggos seem absurd for PVP

  6. the legend belt for fury warriors suxs…. 5 secs uptime? thats really shit if u move to from pack of mobs to pack of mobs u will always lose the stacks, even in single target it will sux because there are times when you need to move and u will lose the stacks so it should be like 10 secs! the arms are all shit and also why the fuck raging blow and bloodthirst dosent cost any rage to use and they give you rage… and mortal strike needs rage to use it? remove the rage from mortal strike ffs u have plenty of abilitys to use ur rage with, slam,WW,mortal strike,execute… only overpower is free…. even hamstring cost fucking rage when other mother fucker classes dosent have CC or resource cost to apply slows! for fuck sake stop making fury better then arms all the time, i want to play arms but i dont want to get back to fury because its the meta! why not make a legendary to arms to make mortal strike heals 50% of the damage you do with it? arms is the only class/specc on the game that dosent have any Heals and also only 2 defensive CDs when other classes have so much shit to use….
    also u fucking say prot warriors is inside because that demo shout reduce CD that was a legend in legion lol! the belt! for prot warr! sense when prot warriors was OP in tanking system? look at fat druids never lose HP and they build tons of HP, look prot palas that solo fucking 20 man bosses! Rextroy look at Demoon hunters that jump all day and get loads of HP all day! monks? for fuck sake even fat pandas are hard to hit… you miss all the strikes and shots! blood DKs? they parry more with a 2 handed weapon dont a warrior with a shield and 1 handed doing blocks hahahahah omfg!

  7. Arms warrior with the Execute Talent(that you can use Execute on 35%), the venthir upgrade for execute and the legendary that makes it that execute buffs mortal strike dmg seems pretty broken.

  8. I could see the Prot warr leggs getting exploited HARD by the top guilds in progression. Think about having 2-3 prot warriors in the raid grp… you can cheese a little over half the raid through mechanics. Yes dps might suffer a little, bu you already have 2 tanks for well tanking anyways. Seems like it could have some really awesome potentialls getting over half the raid 50% dmg reduction.


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