THESE POPULAR ADDONS MAKE YOU WORSE! (SERIOUSLY) | WoW Shadowlands 9.2.5 Settings & Addons Guide

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0:00 – Intro
0:55 – GladiatorlosSA
2:18 – ElvUI & Minimalist UI Packages
2:59 – Healbot
3:59 – Rotational Addons
5:17 – WeakAuras
6:45 – Outro

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22 thoughts on “THESE POPULAR ADDONS MAKE YOU WORSE! (SERIOUSLY) | WoW Shadowlands 9.2.5 Settings & Addons Guide”

  1. Weakauras while i agree should be disabled normally, I cant actually fully agree with it currently. Things being so damn fast paced, and having the ability to 100-0 someone in mere seconds (looking at you Sepsis) or (you convoke S1) while yes there are ways to see this without the WA, but if you dont react fast enough, you just die, or your teammate dies, or you may stop it, but it puts you so much on the backburner because it was late, it could end up biting you in the ass 1-2 mins later.

    Love Weakauras, but hate them at the same time, but again kinda needed imho with how fast the game is.

  2. Obviously all that makes sense, just like how deadlifting with straps will logically do nothing to improve your grip.
    The thing is there's way too much random BS for a casual to keep track of rn, and probably a lot of us are just kind of looking to compete with most other people, who also use addons, and not necessarily win the next Blizzcon.

  3. addons i used to push from 1950 with no addons, to 2100 with addons. gladiousx, actually downloaded it because it said it had pet bar functionality, still havnt found that but but i do prefer it over gladius. platter, good base for the next few addons, which are just big debuffs, and nameplate cooldowns.

    with these addons you wont be playing blind anymore, i honestly have no clue how i even got to 1950 with out anything of them, cant play without now!

  4. In my opinion weak auras present very useful information, in case of banning it, it shouldn't only weak auras, I personally think, remove all the addons or keep them as they are right now.

  5. I think LOSA is fantastic. It offloads some of the work your eyes would be doing to your ears. Less busy stuff on the screen. Highly recommended it and have played as a multiglad for years using it.

  6. The problem with gladiatorlossa isnt the sound its that it spelling everything out instead of just a quick alertnoise and it not having an internal cd on the announcement so instead of altering you there is somebody trying to get a poly soon it would trigger 10 times in a second if somebody spam cancels their cast

  7. I do think for example, if addons were added to league of legends, and instead of memorising the enemy champions ability cooldowns you were instead given call outs it would ruin it. It would be cool to sample wow without any addons (maybe alongside some improvements from blizzard to make up for them)

  8. As an old school player I barely play with any addons. I keep a few mostly cosmetic stuff, I got details to see damage and healing, and omnibar to track a couple abilities. I only track mainly just kicks and like 3-4 other things. I also have classic UI addon, I despise that new UI we got in BFA. And of course weakauras, the only weakauras I even have are just to track my own personal buffs like backdraft, wall, and darksoul, just minor, constant quality of life stuff. Aside from that I play and just rely on my own personal library of wow knowledge, still played over 2.6 without all this extra crap people are using these days


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