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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Remove dh and monks from the game……that will fix pvp
Man i watched all of your 1v1 BFA tourneys but can u tell me what classes are best for duels/1v1 in 8.3?
I don't know if this sounds crazy, but what if fury got a damage increase that would build from damage they had done in x seconds as a baseline. It would fit the constantly on a Target playstyle, make them more threatening the longer you fight them and I think fits the aesthetic of the class a bit while being a manageable expectation for balancing
Demo warlocks need help. Aside from the one trick pony that is the Necrolord one shot, they need so much help. They need like, extra buttons, a buff on all damage like 50-75% more damage from the imps, longer uptimes on Vilefiend and Dreadstalkers. More base damage on guldan/shadow bolt. It just feels like shit to play if youre not playing the meme, which seems to be the recurring theme of SL. Play what you want, but unless you're playing the absolute best pick/cov/spec/everything then it feels horrid, punished for playing how you want like damn… Shadowblands. Next expac please.
lol monk?
What about every single spec of warlock? Arcane mage? MM and SV hunter?
Havoc 9.1 PvP talents changes didn't fix defensive and healing sadly nothing for Blade Dance or Demonic Apetite talent can't fight against 3 times more popular Arms or Monk
Fury didn't get love in PvP and PvE
Dks need buffs
Fury warriors should never be touched pvp wise. Arms always pvp and Fury pve. Thanks Bliz
Monks need help? Lmao
affliction warlock
I think fury war dmg is okay but there defense is so shit, compared to arms with dbs they just fall over with this meta
Any info about date release ?
What about enhancement shaman lol….
damn nothing about enhancement shamans? yikes
Dal would you agree that the venthry monks could use love to since way of the order was nerf to oblivion
What about Enhance??? Wtf and u put monk there lol. Dalaran the crack is for only blizz employees not good for u 😀
I feel like fury should be big burst. I mean dual wielding two 2h just seems crazy like if you get hit you should feel it arms should be good sustain. Just fantasy wise to me that should be how it is lol
Cries in Warlock….