This ain't it, Blizzard..

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Asmongold Reacts to New WoW cinematic: The War Within – Threads of Destiny
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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26 thoughts on “This ain't it, Blizzard..”

  1. The story falls flat because…why am I supposed to care about the mother in this short story? Who is she to me, the viewer? Her character wasn't established, so that moment of betrayal just feels empty. Blizzard writing has been terrible for a while, but it has completely forgotten that story pay-offs require setups. You can't have a satisfying story composed of nothing but pay-offs.

  2. I though they where turning all Orcs into Mexicans due to wotc influence. These Orcs seem more Bad Ass. Girls like playing masculine characters so as Asmond classically says "Whats the problem here"

  3. To be fair, the Nerubian empire here was showing where it came from, what changed, and what brought forth the change to its current state. WoD cinematics were amazing, but the expac was dogwater. This cinematic still involved murder, intrigue, and corruption. It's certainly not dragonflight..

  4. My brother. You do not even have the full perspective.

    I played WarCraft: Orcs and Humans before I ever played WoW. And prior to WC3, the Orcs WERE FAR, FAAAAR COOLER. This whole, "Oh, they are just looking for a home, so misunderstood, gotta be shamans. We WuZ Shamans BS that they turned the Orcs into……. I dunno.

    But I say: BRING ON THE DAYS OF ORGRIM DOOMHAMMER! Bring back the relentless tide of violence.

    I understand that the Orcs were tricked and then used, and I actaully think that's a very good story. But it ain't no WC: Orcs and Humans.


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