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►Main Feral Armory
#snupy #feraldruid #shadowlands
Great vid man! Are you gonna be going Night Fae?
So far in the prepatch, feral/spriest has been my favorite comp. It's actually insane
Convoke is soooooo sick
What Legen are you using?
How is necro for feral? Feel like I have to play it for resto 3s mainspec. 4 specs each used for several endgame contents but I can only pick one covenant omegalol
I hope you respond to this, but I have been watching your videos. Please tell me, why do you open up with a 1-2 combo point rip? Thanks
Playing Warrior in arena without a healer isnt even worth it lol
I have Feral Mage Tower, but don’t have Guardian. Should all be unlocked if atleast one is unlocked.
in the second game u did most damage than everyone else although almost all the time you were cc'ed. So i guess this combo is insane by doing just pve damage? i didnt watch any longer.. SL seems really bad ..
I use the "tiger" version of Feral bc I didn't get the chance to do the Mage Tower either. SUCKS.
I feel you. Been a feral main since BC, had to stop playing the game for a while halfway through legion due to IRL stuff. Right the patch before they came out with the mage tower… thanks Blizzard. I get the idea of making cool stuff unobtainable at some point, but this isn’t elite transmog or a tabard or something. For other classes it’s not that much of a deal but to druids removing a whole form is a bit too much.
Every comp with a Spriest looks insane lol
Hey, Snupy! I want to thank you personally for saving my mental health with your nice vids in 2020. Also, w/ Anboni vids are the best! <3
Am I seeing it wrong or does he use i as keybind for tiger's fury? Cause that seems kinda far to reach for such a big spell
I cringe every time he says 'big dam'
Hey Snupy, dope vid
Are you using bigdebuffs? What sorta FPS are you getting in arenas? Do you use vsync, or any specific NVIDIA control panel settings? Cheers man! What talents do you use for feral in 2s generally?
why does everyone complain that ferals need buffs so badly and theyre the worst melee? They look pretty strong to me
with who?
Prot/Ww is god tier 😂😂💀