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Frost bolt hits SO HARD with this build on the shadowlands beta!!
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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft
its crazy bars go down but you barely see numbers, blizz need to revert to old numbers or change something
So far in the PTR I like frost mage, but it seems too RNG dependent on getting those flurry procs. You're just spamming frostbolt until you get it, sometimes it can get kind of boring.
Frost mage looks strong
I've heard that winters chill is either bugged or has been nerfed. Can you confirm?
15k crit just to be healed in 1 button????????? WTF is this game lol I can't believe I preordered this shit I'll just go play private servers if I want to 1 shot people lol
Literally nothing insane about this at all. Clickbait city right here
Holy Sh** the kill at 13:53
Looks REALLY boring
looks really boring. Almost no changes at all for mages again…. GIVE US DEEP FREEZE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This video deserves more dislikes
if shadowlands pvp is just sitting still and spamming frostbolts im seriously out.. people screaming "PVP FIXED YES OMG FEELS SO GOOD" and looks like this garbage, please god bring wotlk pvp back..
I love to use GS with comet and furry on proc it looks nuts
10 minute matches are why I don't like 3's.
where's the cc bro?
honestly i don't know why blizzard wouldn't make the ability you CAST that you have to sit there and cast do the most damage in the kit. It feels so bad unless you do a build like this.
no explanation? just some random vids. -1
The most nerfed class since Panda… in WoW history… Mage.
doing less damage than my hunter pets alone without me casting any abilities lol
Nothing to spell steal?