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Here is the video I published last week of us upgrading the exact same key for reference!
when dps listen to me, when they just follow, is when the dungeon is timed, i've tried this dungeon a millions times, the only times i timed in "high keys" above 13, was when the ppl LISTEN TO ME, like focus the totem guy (mob not boss), etc, when they have egos, the key always deplete, somehow if i pull small to kill the totem guy, tthis ego players pull more, bolster the totem guy and full wipe, because they are morons who thinks they can be in mdi, i myself wanna pull big, but doesn't matter if i survive those bigs pull if my team doesn't, so i pull smart, totem guy death? we can pull the rest
i think blizz should find a better way for people to "find each other". as in the priest here wants do do keys the way it's been done on his main. the dk wants to progress on his own terms and this just collides. i believe there must be a better way than what we have right now to make likeminded players connect which each other. gve the priest a group to play "high elo strats", give the dk a group to progress with his own experiments and both teams would probably be happy even if they fail right? questionis…how can you bring these like minded players together…wish i had a solution
As a 521 blood dk. I dont go pass +8. Just no point. People pulling more mobs because they want to see big numbers for a 3rd party website that has no significance in the game. A timed key is a timed key.
If you want to pull that just play tank.
If you dont have time to play than just dont play. Where not winning $50,000 at the end.
Maybe we need more descriptive options of what type of group your joining.
Oh. Thanks for the Video ;D
1. Yes this footage was recorded on the old computer. You re gonna be bamboozled when I send you an upgraded +15 🙂
2. This was very intense lol. leaving at the beginning of the key is the most arrogant thing you can do. Especially when nothing or almost nothing is going wrong. I saw this key upgraded but oh well 😅
To the tank in the video: change your details setting "update Interval" from 0.1 sec to like 3.0 sec, that will increase your fps, its under "option" "Display"
If the spriest had never seen that pack pulled before and assumed everyone skips through the water, they must not pug very much. Often when people are freaking out claiming that "nobody" pulls certain things, they're only exposing their own ignorance of how many different routes can be successful and are actually used.
It's often my experience with Kazzak/Burning Legion players. XD I don't know, these servers have players good skill-wise, but attitude-wise these are absolutely the worst.
Couple of points:
1. Hunters are really dangerous for clothies on forti. And without a dh or a decent CC chain they would be killing people left and right.
2. On the first pull tank forgets/dismisses the patrol. So when the priest dies to it(presumably in the middle of cds) it naturally tilts them right out the gate.
3. No idea how a 3.4k ish SP dies to clawmaging that's just bad.
4. Pulling the right pack before the boss is mental. It's like 2-3 times harder on the group then the left one. That's why 99% of groups don't pull it.
I would say both are equally at fault. Priest went into the spiral after the first death and seeing tank doing some pretty unusual stuff started running his mouth which was a bad call. But this could've easily been solved by tank linking the route in the beginning. No disrespect to tanks, they got a hard and often underappreciated job but, like with any role, there're good and there're not so good tanks. And if someone would've pulled some random pack that is really hard on dps to survive without any communication, my first thought would be that the tank either doesn't know how hard it is or doesn't care. So there's no big "learning/progression" moment for me, because chances are I will never see this pull ever again.
Just something I noticed: clicking is a no go. Do your best to not click everyone! Slows down reaction time, and allows a lot more variance for mistakes. Something to prioritize if it was me
i dunno if its just me or what, but i find BH trash absolutely obnoxious during fort weeks, it needs a high amount of interrupts, ccs and control like leg sweep and stuns. it basically spells bring some melee to me , then again is even more obnoxious for melee. hunter s shoot actually hits a bit hard, god forbid fort/bolstered hunter or 2 target you or YOUDED in very high keys. this is a 15 so yup, ded. it was indeed bad luck , but his way of complaining amazes me, did he even try to save himself by using fear constantly? probably not, why bother to get into melee with the fixate and storming right? as for the route, i agree with ya , any route can bring success , i know tho my healer friend gets pissed off if we take one with no cauldrons, the covid is real in that first section of the dungeon xD
I regularly play M+ with a buddy and we're currently also running 14s and 15s. The only thing I've learned from all my M+ time is that I'll never take people from Kazzak again in my life… Of course there are exceptions, but if a Kazzak player is in the group, he runs down the key. Should start recording the keys too!
And by the way, thanks for your videos. Enjoy them very much!
Ofc its kazzak, truly an classic.
Appalling behaviour from the priest, inexcusable what he does and how he acts, but on the other point to prevent these kind of reactions from people that think they know better just do the "meta" thing. Try to copy routes from top players as much as possible, and I'm not saying this in a way where "you can't think for yourself because you are not good enough", I'm saying it because it simply isn't worth the heartache with how the community acts right now. Unfortunately the higher you go, the worse it gets. Ego's are clashing, everyone thinks they are the new "big" thing, no one is willing to change their mind, it's a whole mess. At the end of the day people will rob you of progression at the slightest inconvenience. This selfish, sociopath culture is very much prevalent in the m+ community right now.
I'm biased here because I play tank, but the tank decides the route full stop. There's no reason to even nitpick or stop to discuss the route while the key is actively in progress. If there's an issue, talk about it after the key is done.
And yeah in a perfect world, the more experienced players would teach the less experienced to make the overall player base better but I also don't believe they have any obligation to do so. If you want to get better you just have to trial and error and look up guides. If this really was an issue of the tank being unsure of the route, maybe he should have taken the time to look up the "correct" route that better players have found. That's what I did when I was learning.
But yeah you're never gonna get rid of the fragile egos and people flaming in keys, it just comes with the territory and you're right, it is almost like another affix you randomly get hit with. Lol.
I tried pugging M+ back in SL. Quit because of people like that shadow priest. Will I be back? No, and good riddance.
"it's just human nature, it's nobody's fault" I get where you're coming from on how people behave when they believe they are more skilled than the content requires and something goes wrong. But honestly? Screw that. It's just your ego. SO many people in this game have ego problems. It gets in the way of being a better player and it makes you an asshole to your teammates. You can control it, by acknowledging how much you suck. Compared to the best players, we all suck. Compared to the people in the TGP and MDI, someone who struggles to time a +10 and someone who struggles to time a +15 are the same.We all suck. You're not better. Kill your shitty ego.
Priest had disperse, lock rocks, lots of earthbolts getting out when it's the only caster in the group, you can grip/stun/fear/incap the fixate mobs as soon as they start chasing as a tank or dps, never question the tanks route – if you want to set your own route, roll a tank. IF you want to talk about it, talk about it after the key is over and offer it in a non passive aggressive way. Make sure if you have a double caster group (priest, lock) that you don't overpull caster mobs that can't be kicked (some druid healers don't have kitty form setup), if a pack is threatening and dangerous, you can have a macro or type to the group – be ready to pop defensives for this pack if you get ONE debuff, pop a defensive so they don't get clapped by a second one. Sometimes you SHOULD stop dps to blast heals or something on a teammate (this gets easier over time if u play a healer), Druid can barkskin a DPS, very rarely does it get value on a tank.
SO, many things you can talk about in wow for improvements for yourself and your group constantly, I see the highest level ret pally's and things not bopping their fellow squishy dps when they have a physical debuff or bleed or use sac on a friendly dps. If you have complaints you'd like to air, hold it til the end of the key, even if you're dying a bunch. At least you have a repair mount in a key like this to fix gear, some don't give you that luxury.
bad route + bad dk.
Idk how people can blame the group, all while I saw the Dk not press his interrupt once, and blinding ice not once the entire video.
Priest is right imo. Hunters are not pulled for a reason because they can just RNG ppl to death. You don't want timing your key based on RNG. Pretty much every group that pushes high keys all skip almost the entire beach.
Of course I may be wrong with this but in general it is better to group mobs all at once then dps > go to next pack. The fact that he let the patrol come to the already dying pack is not optimal, is bad for the shadow priest dps (shadow crash) and looks like the tank doesnt know what hes doing (got surprised by the patrol).
I think this is why the priest locks his mindset of "this tank is bad"
i guarantee you he died in cds and tilted, and since as a dps it can feel like you're judged solely by your overall if someone is already in a bad mood or greedy in general theyll just leave like that. Rolling a tank feels so good to just ignore dps for the most part since most of your damage is dealt simply through doing your regular mitigation rotation
Especially with df dungeons having something lethal in most packs
Right or wrong, the priest is being a jackass, you can get your point across without being negative from the go.
As a tank I'm bias, but I think it's pretty telling when neither the tank or the healer are complaining.
ngl, the priest kind of talk a lil more, but not in a decently good to critize it. not construct to work as a team at a decent degree
This exact behaviour of the priest is what will hold him back in the long run. I say, focus on yourself, Your gameplay, learn from mistakes and always try Your best to adapt to anything(In this key even that specific route). Keep negative thoughts off Your mind, and especially dont spread Your own negativity. Same as life, these people will never reach the heights if they wont change their mindset. I'd never hire people like this, i prefer to surround myself with people spreading positivity, focusing on their own contribution to the success.
Edit. As an example I'm watching another streamer Critcake top warrior. Watch how he behaves in lower for him pug keys, he focuses on himself and tries to output as much as humanly possible to contribute to the groups success. Doesnt matter what key level.
Really great dialogue by you through this entire video! I haven’t played in a year and I was absolutely glued to watching 💙🤓
I’ve seen plenty of bad players made most mistakes wiping the group then threw some trash talk to the group/a player then quit, making me wonder how ridiculous it is for them to say such shit. Humans are just funny creatures 😂
Eu kazzak and a spreist is guaranteed ahole
Kazzak is the arsehole server of EU
I get moaned at about pulling the mob in the stairs in Nelth, but I've had so many pugs butt pull him. I just worked it into the route in the end. I bet you, you my find he has run a lot of his keys with DH tanks and their mass utility.
This guy could greatly increase his FPS by using the "render scale" option in graphics. The mob and character models will appear blocky, but he will be able to play the game much better. By turning this all the way down, I was able to get playable FPS in 5 mans on an old laptop with onboard graphics.
Heck, I only do lower keys (up to the 12 range) and the hunters can be pretty bad even in those. Just the fact they randomly shoot someone, if you're not coordinated with stops on other things, its easy for someone to get targeted with a couple of things and get taken down. I'm sure others handle things better, but in slightly uncoordinated groups, yeah they can be problematic. Fully aware its a "git good" scenario :p
Yeah.. Kazzak has a reputation on EU for having disproportional amount of toxic/elitist players (whether that's entirely accurate is another discussion) which has become a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy as a lot of people (myself included admittedly) will see the realm name next to a players name and immediately judge them based on that and often treat them more negatively than normal. This priest plays so well into the "Kazzak stereotype" he's clearly the one making mistakes and in the wrong but he can't or wont see his own mistakes and instead projects and tunnels on the tank and what he perceives as the tanks mistakes.
The hunter mobs in BRH are a bit more dangerous than the other mobs mostly because they shoot at random targets and if you're pulling more than one dps can get unlucky and get hit by multiple shots at once which especially for a squishy priest is quite dangerous if you don't expend any defensives or stuns to counter that scenario. How ever like you point out the bigger issue there was the Earth Bolts going through and not being interrupted (plus the priests positioning at start pulling the patrol late into the first pull and as far as I'm aware most routes skip that particular patrol simply cause it's inefficient to pull)
Yeah this is why I personally refuse to invite pugs that are more than 500 io above myself in score for this exact effect you're talking about and because they're more likely to leave in my experience. It's also why I prefer to tank or que with someone I know as a tank when pugging cause pugs with weird (or often in my opinion bad) routes throw me off real hard to the point where I almost want to just take over.
the biggest problem in pugs is ego.