This One Button Burst Is DISGUSTING! The Rotten Legendary With Subtlety! – PvP WoW: Shadowlands 9.0

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Outlaw Rogue 9.0 PvE Shadowlands Guide:

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Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:

Sub Rogue 9.0 PvE Shadowlands Guide:


27 thoughts on “This One Button Burst Is DISGUSTING! The Rotten Legendary With Subtlety! – PvP WoW: Shadowlands 9.0”

  1. Hey Dal just wanted to correct something, in the macro the vanish is there to reactivate nightstalker. Using the Pvp trinket in stealth actually removes you from stealth so you have to get back in for the nightstalker buff. So it isn’t being thrown away just to not get opened on 🙂

  2. Thank you Blizzard for destroying rogue for good. Latest patch has destroyed rogue. Eviserate nefed by 60% lengendary MA is no longer in pvp only pve. + More nerfs go see 🙁

  3. It’s because of build like this I have stopped playing shadowlands. I came on very strong loving the xpac, now that classes such as paladins are basically unstoppable 1v1. Back in tbc I could use basically every class and with a bit of practice destroy the whole field in a bg. I still have screenshots from then on 5 different classes played by me going 30+ in bags with no deaths. This and previous expansions almost force you to pick the fotm to see those numbers. This will probably be the last xpac I play of wow. I’ll stick with classic, tbc, and lk if they ever release that.

  4. Imo this is exactly what rouge should be. Everything into 1 burst and if u mess it up ur screwed. That's called balance.

    U as the player is forced to time it right or u lose the match for ur team.

    Now, it looks like it's a bit too forgiving for the rouge. But they could easily tweak it a bit to make it like my ideal rouge. But they wont

  5. Wow its almost like this is what the roleplay and theme for any rogue/assassin based class is. In ANY AND ALL games globally. Glass cannon, useless if fucked up, gets one shot if out of position. To me this is absolutely perfect. There's worse things in the game than this, that should be prioritized.

  6. Thanks for the video mate! It just shows that Blizz has absolute no idea what they are doing / don't care the outcome in PVP. Glad my sub ran out.

  7. I like your Vids, but ur informations are kinda shit. Like vanish is for dmg buff on shadowstrike not for "safe opener" pls inform your self before putting our a vid like this 80% are false info.

  8. Their april fools joke shows that Blizzard is fully aware of this since they JOKED about nerfing this, instead of actually do it… They don't care at all.

  9. I'm a rogue player and I don't see any reasons blizzard should do anything about this. The fact that you don't see this in pro games mean this is not something that can be exploited with no limitations. You're sacrificing a lot to do this type of stuff and if you fail, chances of you losing is massive so yeah, no need to nerf this.


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