Thoughts on State of WoW / Content Creation in 2021 (Shadowlands 9.1)

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Thoughts on State of WoW / Content Creation in 2021 (Shadowlands 9.1)

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42 thoughts on “Thoughts on State of WoW / Content Creation in 2021 (Shadowlands 9.1)”

  1. We talk about these topics pretty much every day on stream, but I figured I'd also share the discussion here on YouTube to keep you guys up to date w/ some of my thoughts on WoW / Creating Content / Blizzard Games here in 2021 where A LOT of stuff is going on & there's a lot to think about in terms of what we support & how we use our time as gamers / creators 🙂
    Thanks for watching & feel free to share your perspectives in the comments, I appreciate the feedback & support as always <3

  2. I've been playing this game for 12y and I quit. Game is just so boring and systems are so bad that I cant stand it anymore. I'm not playing FFXIV either, all the weeb shit is not for me. So its not just a "take a break thing", the game is bad for real.

  3. Thank you, for a much needed positive perspective on current WoW Baj. So refreshing in these times tbh. Time to look ahead and hope for the best from Blizzard in the future 😊

  4. The awful stuff occurring at Blizzard aside. I agree the developers don’t want to make a bad game. The problem comes with management making some poor decisions. Then you add the demands of the publisher (Activision) to make their return on investment to turn profits.

    That’s when we saw those features being added to their two biggest titles WoW and CoD. It’s happening in CoD scene as well people are tired and switching to other games.

    Players should voice their concerns but they do not have to make a statement for social clout. The biggest way to make change with companies that are not listening to their customers is to vote with your wallet.

  5. Finally someone spoke about it with sense instead of just jumping on that hate blizz bandwagon trend that people seem to jump on just for views and better acceptence in community cuz if everyone hates then i shall hate too, right? Thats stupid.
    Well said Baj, not everything they do is perfect but they're just humans they make mistakes ffs…

  6. The problem with borrowed power is that for some classes it works as some kind of bandaid, where the class/spec is solely designed around that borrowed power, be it legendaries or covenant abilities. Sub Rogue for example feels like a husk compared to what it has been in the past. The additional problem is that every single week I have to restart the same loop again since you NEED to grind Torghast, Covenant Renown and everything else just to go and play PvP. The design choice is by choice to keep people busy for the sake of keeping people busy rather than offering interesting content people are willingly engaging in.

  7. Great summary my guy, really appreciate your methodical and non-hateful feedback. We gotta stay on top of our self's and not fall to negative hate trains.

  8. Bro just be fucking honest you literally just gave a spin / PR statement about positive force blah blah blah come on man we aren't idiots you said this because you are sponsored by the game and it pays your bills just man up and admit it. Btw if you want a positive change in the WoW "community" real change will be EVERY SINGLE influencer / streamer like you but more importantly…………EVERY FEMALE GAMER deletes / quits the game. It is such fucking hypocrisy at its finest the top 10 female streamers involved in this game condemn blizzard for a week then go right back to streaming WoW cause it pays their bills. None of you all care for women or their safety if you did you guys would move on to another game. Fuck blizzard

  9. Loved corruption? Why tho. Even as a temporary expansion power it set an unprecedented power gain for the remainder of that patch, it completely changed high end play with Twilight Dev procs inflating meters to the point where their class/player output is irrelevant in comparison. We're seeing hints of that with Covenant abilities although a more refined take on it which on paper I enjoy, but the fact that swapping covenants is so taxxing on the player it's not fun to swap.

    If Covenant abilities were able to be changed out more freely, even just temporarily in dungeons/raids/BGs, it would feel infinitely better and would alleviate a lot of the stress on the balance team. I don't envy their jobs with the systems they've made, trying to keep them all on par with each other is an impossible task.

    I hope they learn from this, but I can only hope for so many expansions. It's just a very dangerous game to play when the systems are at the expense of player interest imo

    ///// edit- to play the sympathy angle is a bit strange I'm sorry. These are corners they painted themselves into, of course they're humans and make mistakes (very often it seems) but again – this is a live service game. Player power ties directly into player interest, so when systems like this aren't open ended and restrict a player for making a choice, the fault is on the system and designers not the player. And I can't blame the paying customer for not being happy when this is a theme that happens for 3 expansions straight. First Legion legendaries, BFA armor/essences/and later corruptions, and now a combination of everything really; Legendaries, Covenant abilities (essences), Soulbinding (+energy restrictions), and now Domination Shards.

    These are all lessons they should have learned, and honestly, the simplest solution to these problems would be to just not create them. And you would think with how behind they are with COVID and among other things they wouldn't take the route that eats majority of their development time. It's a strange period for the Warcraft team, and I can't say I have high hopes they will learn the right lessons in 10.0 when they keep making the same mistakes. /endrant sorry for the wall

  10. Man I wish other WoW content creators would have this kind of perspective, thought process and logical thinking in regards to the game. Yes the game is huge issues right now and they need to be addressed asap. But I wish the toxic, rude and dramatic creators would either actually have intellectual feedback or just be quiet and move to another game.

  11. ilvl is the WORST part of the game.
    gear should not be the entry or barrier to player power.
    players power should be 2 things.
    1. character level
    2. player skill.
    ie all level X players should be on even footing regardless of gear.

    gear should be cosmetic only with slights perks, rather than ilvl difference that creates a huge disparity in player power.

  12. "Getting hostile and acting entitled is a little weird to me"

    When a majority of the community is in uproar about the current state of the game, It isn't acting entitled. The product is bad, we as consumers have every right to be angry and push for change. As time goes on you keep getting this attitude towards blizzard of "Cmon guys they're people too, cmon man it's okay", when its not. They ARE purposely making the game bad. How could you think they aren't? The community has been VERY vocal to them about not liking where the game is. The community TRIED SO HARD to tell them that 9.1 was terrible and they needed to take more time, even with how long 9.1 was already taking, the community STILL said, no take more time. 9.1 took a YEAR, A GODDAMN YEAR of no new content. The community started telling them literally MINUTES into 9.1 being dropped on the PTR, they ignored it and pushed it out anyway. They told us there wouldn't be anymore borrowed power systems, then BOOM, borrowed power in 9.1, and the devs had the audacity to compare the new system to acquiring your tier sets in old raids. Fuck off. It's not as simple as "They are going to add systems that you aren't necessarily going to enjoy and that's okay" It's Blizzard literally IGNORING their player base and just blatantly going in the OPPISITE direction of feedback.

  13. I'm also not a big alt guy. i just enjoy playing my feral, but this expansion with this covenant system as someone who enjoys playing all type of content I stuck to playing Night Fae, but I also play mostly PVP, in which I love the Necro playstyle. Now I'm stuck between either switching covenants and being restricted to only doing PVP for 2 weeks ( Because in M+ 15 and above people insta kick you for being feral, let alone a necro one ) and play something that's just gimmicky and not fun, or make an alt, which is a pain in the ass to get going and I generally don't like playing alts.

  14. That's probably the first time I've disagreed with you baj, just the way they have been going down hill this way for years, the environment in the office, the elitist attitudes, I have no doubt they didnt give a care about us and tried to take as much money from us as possible while not giving us good content.

  15. If you were not getting paid to play wow and didnt know anyone on the team would you still feel this way? The game is the worst it has been. I guess i dont get how you think "Great time to be a wow player" as you put on twitter.

  16. Problem is he never played wow when it was good. He started in cata so all he knows is trash. Classic doesnt count cuz that was trash too, private servers do it better. So opinion means nothing and you can see the shill. He makes money off this trash and would have to work a real job without it so go ahead support woman molestors


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