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Dragonflight alpha CONFIRMED that there will be a several-year time skip between Shadowlands and Dragonflight and this entails a lot of changes to the world of Azeroth!
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
Dragonflight alpha confirmed that there will indeed be a TIME SKIP between the two expansions and this is evident with currently 2 dialogues for both the Horde and the Alliance talking that several years have passed since we have returned from the Shadowlands.
A side from learning that Lor’themar and Thalyssra are now married what are going to be the other changes to the planet of Azeroth as several years is a really long time in World of Warcraft, essentially 2 expansions worth of time.
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Do you expect visible changes to Azeroth with this time skip? Also check out my Instagram for IRL stuff:
Why would they revamp the world tree and Undercity but not revamp Darnassus? Blizzard always gives the Alliance and Horde 1 for 1 when giving and taking away.
I hope to see good writing for characters like Baine and Thrall. Hope they will use time skip good for them. Want them to get serious and brutal. Enough of pacifist horde brutes. Blood and Thunder please.
I love the idea of the timeskip, but Blizzard wasted a golden opportunity to write in a proper one, where Azeroth has more or less recovered from the various catastrophies it has endured – updated zones, questlines, opportunities – new ground for endgame content in zones we are familiar with, have levelled through countless times. I will always be a staunch advocate of moving the end game into the world, rather than concentrate it all in mythic+ and raiding. Dragonflight LOOKS good, but so did Shadowlands, so did Battle for Azeroth, but that's the thing right? It all looks so good, but it'll only be relevant for a year or something, because we'll all be funnelled into Timeless Isle nr. 69 in the first or second patch anyway.
Imagine that same technological investment and knowhow shoved into existing zones, updating them, bringing them into the fore – back to boots on the ground stories, adventuring and -character-, and somehow integrate them into coming expansions. Throw in gear and cosmetic rewards associated with the zones, opening up a MASSIVE pool of creativity completely intertwined with the franchise, updated dungeons (and I mean UPDATED, not shortened or receiving a little exchange of the guard), or entirely new dungeons sculptured around the new stories – heck, throw in some storytelling raid instances too, with quests and zone impact. It makes me a little angry thinking about how many opportunities Blizzard willingly and knowingly push aside to get that second golden WotLK gigapump that propelled WoW into immortality way back when.
Ko zna koliko je proslo vremena na Azeroth-u od kako smo mi blejali u Shadowlands-u jer tamo i ovde ne tece vreme isto. 😀
Verovatno se Azeroth BRUTALNO promenio. 😀
Lor'Themar and Thalysira!?!? W H Y
So stupid that they think the only way to make her relevant is to marry her to a big character. Idk blizzard, maybe put REAL STORY DEVELOPMENT TIME INTO HER!????? But yeah why put quality story time into a female character. Matter of fact, don't. Every time you do (Tyrande, Sylvanas) you fuck it up at a horribly insulting level.
After the awful Jailer's story, my expectation of having a good storytelling in the Dragonflight are zero to none.
If you honestly think Blizzard is going to put in the work to make changes to the core part of the game that would showcase an actual timeskip, I have an island I'd like to sell you. The game is coming out this year, I HIGHLY doubt they'll even bother.
I dont have any hope to this matter. Blizzard is just too lazy to do any major revamps in the old world or cities.
Man 5 years is really not that big of a deal. Town I live in is the same as in 1996 when I was born… Things doesnt change that fast 😀
I get the feeling from this video that several years have indeed passed.
Sylvannas half done with her sentence?
Pfffffft, there is no half of eternity.
and hopefullly they remove all shadowlands content forever.
I hope we get an updated silvermoon with flying and a healed dead scar. It’s my favourite zone in the game and it’s such a shame that it just gets ignored and left.
Would definitely be cool to see changes to the world, especially for UC and maybe a new world tree, but lets be real, most of the world has been static since cataclysm
Why didn't elune kill the jailer
With the regent lord of Quel'thalas, and the First Arcanist being wed, this could lead to a massive power shift in the Horde. The kingdoms of Suramar, and Quel'thalas would essentially become one great kingdom. This would likely position the Elves in the Horde as being the most prominent nation out of all Horde allies, so the union between the two kingdoms would be beneficial to the Elves of the Horde giving them more sway in the council than any other nation. This could lead to so many intersting stories. If Lor'themar does be crowned king of Quel'thalas this could lead to a huge revamp of Silvermoon to reflect the new Dynasty, the Bazaar now bustling with stalls and shops, the ruined part of Silvermoon being restored, now instead of fighting wretched in that part of the city you may be fighting criminals, the side gate to the Bazaar would be open allowing for easy passage into the city, new statues of the new Royal Family could possibly be built. This is a golden chance to further elven lore as a whole.
Blizz overhaul Azeroth? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats rich!!!!
Love your work and this is very cool, but is it supacool? 🤔🧊
Keep it the Dragonflight hype train 🚂 chugging gamerZ!
What will happen in the WOW universe during it's own version of the year 2022?
Will magic be used to create futuristic technology?
Imagine a demon internet in the Twisting Nether.
Have a question?, just ask FEL GOOGLE.