Time to harness your new abilities. The journey to the heart of the world begins today. August 22, 2024 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg #TheWarWithin source
Comments full of bots. Why Blizzard? Pretty lame animation work tbh. Should've had Hurricane work on it. Reply
Can you please hire better animators? Or just stop overworking them, please! All WoW animations have been looking like slow-motion for the past 4 years. Reply
Excellent video ❤
But sprays for everyone!
Who tf puts their bots to say things like "informative"
"Play now" = roughly 8 hours from now
just for the ones with early access
Can’t wait for those servers to be down for the whole day again! 🔥🔥
Soy levels only around 43% in this short.
Pretty good for nu blizzard. Keep it up Metzen.
If only they animated players this way…
Thanks for ruining druids…
This one looks good!!!!
The hype train is here baaabyyy! ❤❤❤ cho chooooooo
Comments full of bots. Why Blizzard? Pretty lame animation work tbh. Should've had Hurricane work on it.
Can you give Divine Kiss of Ohn'ara mount special animation? Pleeease
The DEI is strong with this group..
well good that you re-released it sped up 😆
Let's goooo
Let’s gooooooo!
Mountain King in Warcraft 3
Early access stinks 💩
Im actually more interested if the dragon race got more classes
WOOHOOOO! Can’t start til tomorrow but soooo excited ❤
"Today" is very debatable in Europe.
Early access 🗑️
You better rebuild Dalaran quickly…
This is some high-quality animation for just using in-game models.
rogue was invisible. just like his new abilities
why such shame to warriors?? XD
Alliance & Horde intro
Wait warlocks can summon pit lords now?
Wait, we can fight on our mounts?!…..
That epic Druid save tho ❤
War within has been so good so far, loving early access
When are you going to fix this game?
Btw pls 2H meele shaman back like you did with 2H frost dk
Can you please hire better animators? Or just stop overworking them, please! All WoW animations have been looking like slow-motion for the past 4 years.