TIME TO OBLITERATE IN Vanilla+! | Duskhaven Vanilla+ | World of Warcraft | 2H Frost DK

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we’re going to play a 2H Obliterating FROST DK on Duskhaven Vanilla Plus and take it into some brand new mythic+ vanilla dungeons for the first time!

In this video I create my new DK, get through the very short starter zone, do some community stuff, and hop into M+! We take on the M+ version of Sunken Temple, Scarlet Monastery, and Shadowfang Keep and also fight the new world boss Oakheart that is located in MOUNT HYJAL!

Can we break 1k pop?

Duskhaven Discord: https://discord.gg/duskhaven

Realm: Smolderthorn
0:00-0:33 – Intro
0:34-1:21 – One last thing to show for the Demonhunter
1:23-8:32 – Creating a 2H FROST DK in Vanilla!
8:33-11:34 – How I’m playing 2H Frost Deathknight
11:33-22:11 – Vanilla M+
22:12-27:45 – 3 Professions at max, NEW World Boss in Hyjal, and LETS GET TO 1000 POP BOYS
27:46-28:34 – Final Thoughts

🛎️ If you missed this video make sure to check it out!:

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🎵 Music🎵
DJ Nautilus – WoW Remix – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=369emX5hYSQ&t=27s
OSRS Remixes – OSRSBeatz – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs1rnF_c_VSg74M5CQ-HKWg

🐤Channel Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mcdoubles2


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34 thoughts on “TIME TO OBLITERATE IN Vanilla+! | Duskhaven Vanilla+ | World of Warcraft | 2H Frost DK”

  1. I told ron the paladin I loved him and I was proud of him and he shut up for a little while. I think he just wants to be loved 😂 Just say I love you ron everytime he starts talking shit and maybe just maybe we can make him a happier person. <3

  2. Ah yeah I shot trap in highschool (orange clays with shotguns for competition) and I was told to use 2 eyes as well, but found out I was in the same boat as you. 2 barrels lol. So I became national champ with 1eye :p true story

  3. Hey man you don't need to lead guilds. If we want a guild around your fan base we as a community should be able to do that on our own, and if you want to join that's cool. Guild master is pressure no one should be forced into. Love your vids even if I am taking a break from wow. You do an amazing job man!!!

  4. i wanna play this. but what is holding me back is i dont know if i will truly get that classic vanilla feel. or atleast some of it. what also worries me is i dont see the tanks health really dipping at all. and the content doesnt look like its possible to die on. i may be wrong but just what i have observed. and it looks like things die really fast.

  5. I'm afraid that this version of the game will be better than version 2.0… From what I saw, they will do a lot of rework on skills and bring a lot of wow retail content.

    I believe it will be 0% or 100% – either the changes made will be very good or it will be rubbish. PvP content looks like it will have low priority too unfortunately 🙁 . Waiting for more updates on the server. I'll test it, but I'm not that excited anymore.


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