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Who’s ready for a night of only ONE boss? WEW Back from my trip to Melbourne PAX, my first time going, was a lotta fun, but also meant I skipped the vid for last week 😛 Hope you guys enjoy attempting to down Queen Ansurek with us 😀 (Spoiler, we didn’t get her lmao)
uuuh a new video just when dinners is served??? thank you very much i love yall
Love the thumbnail. Totally never say it before this point. Love how politely Goose is held
another amazing video! your bags are perfect dont let anyone tell you otherwise! my bags are just like that cause things have places to go and I find stuff faster that way
So much delightful mischief 😂. Queen Ansurek is certainly an unforgiving fight 🙂
Feels like an aussie version of salt raiders – back when kaif did wow vids. got good vibes!
I'm not sure if you've ever seen Kaif's old WoW content, but this has a very similar style to it. Really enjoyed the video and subbed!