Top 10 Abilities People Want to See Return in Shadowlands

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Blizzard said that they will be returning a lot of old pruned abilities back to the game, and in this video will be going over 10 abilities that people want to see return most.

–The List–
Intro: (0:00)
10-Sentry totem-no: (0:09)
9- Volley/Eyes of the Beast-yes: (1:05)
8- Alter Time-yes: (2:54)
7- Mind Soothe-yes: (4:52)
6- Burst of Speed-no: (6:07)
5- Shattering Throw-yes: (7:35)
4- Symbiosis-no: (8:50)
3- Divine Intervention-no : (11:30)
2- Corpse Explosion-no, but yes: (13:43)
1- Ritual of doom -yes: (15:49)

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47 thoughts on “Top 10 Abilities People Want to See Return in Shadowlands”

  1. Consecration as an aoe heal for holy paladins! Not as a talent though. Give it standard, and make the hammer ground talent a boost to it like defile/death and decay for death knights. Then MAYBE Light of Dawn as an aoe holy shock, basically heals or damage. It fits in well with the rotation for shockadin style. Admittedly it would be pretty OP for finding stealthies in PvP though. So maybe only works on targets you are in combat with? Holy tends to struggle with aoe (unless relying on virtue and hopeful light of dawn procs, or shudder glimmer spec)

    And warrior second wind. Cata style!

  2. I'm really worried about the programmers at blizzard.. don't they branch/save their code? how come they just keep losing code, or is this just an excuse? it's pretty basic to branch and save old code

  3. As much as i love how older stuff in wow was for example, stuff in this video alltho I was hoping for newer talents/ideas in SL… im at the edge feeling like im paying for something that gets recycled and its actually pushing me away from the game :*( Im not hating 🙂

  4. We actually used sacrifice in TBC at some raid bosses. All paladins protected the priests from certain death when they would have died. And then druids ressed the Paladins, nobody died.

  5. If I were to go into detail about the spells I wanted back, I'd be here all day. So instead, I'm just gonna list a few that I wanted the most.

    1. Mind Spike
    I see why it was removed, but I really feel like sPriests need an easy spam-cast ability, other than mind flay. A channelled spell just isn't as satisfying.

    2. Holy Priest Stances
    Holy priests had 3 stances, and you gained 1 ability in each. This required you to really pay attention to what spells you had an what stance you were in for combat. It was a fun mechanic.

    3. Basically.. all of the shaman totems.
    My dad actually used to play shaman a lot, and I got to see that they actually used to have tons of totems (both useful and not). Now I look at the game, and, talents included, counted like, seven. It would be cool to see these come back.

    4. Okay, this isn't a spell, but.. first aid.
    There are still a few quests out there for first aid that anyone can get, and because you need to be a tailor to get bandages, they're not possible. First Aid was a way for all classes to have some way to heal, but now you have to be a tailor.. which really, is just sad. So, ig wishing for first aid.

    5. Just going to make this my last one, devouring plague (and the shadow orbs it used).
    Devouring plague was another sPriest DoT effect, and it was really good. Of course, it required the orbs which you could only get with mind blast (and I think there was a chance on SW pain crit). Overall, I enjoyed the old sPriest playstyle, and with this being a key component, I would really like to see it come back.

    Keep in mind, these are all just hopeful thinking, and I'm fully aware that it is almost entirely impossible for then to actually make it back.

  6. I remember in mists when I used to run a Ele shaman, my buddy ran an Enhancement shaman and my wife a resto druid. Healers would almost instantly die to my grasp totem into solar beam into capacitor for the dps. Between the two most dps heavy bursts in the game st the time there was o real way to ever survive it. While the peeps freaked out about the enhance burst I popped ele burst then totally decimated the healer [elemental shaman burst was inarguably the worst burst in the game to let free cast, out competing even mages and warlocks by nearly 700k damage. A properly specced ele shaman burst free casted could do upwards 3.3 mill damage depending on luck, woth Lava Burst hitting for 311k a pop, mastery for 289k and the echo for 311k again. whereas not even fire mage burst was topping 2.4 with their insane pyrobombs at the time. It was MOP that made shaman ascendance the red flag it is now even though it is only a fraction of what it used to be, and a talent at that.]

  7. Alter Time was very beneficial for mop arcane mages: you kept your charges, your 2 charges of free arcane missiles, so you could just pop alter time, burst the hell out of the target, and then repeat it

  8. Alter time = PvP Its was Super usefull LOL
    Mind Soothe = also PvP u cut the range for Abilliyts for 10 range (Caste cleave vs Hunter Super Usefull example)
    Burst of Speed = Again Wich was Pretty Powerfull for Rouge in PvP
    Shattering Throw = Did i have to tell it Again? PvP pretty nice Pretty Powerfull
    Basacly they Removed all the usefull Skills for PvP so we had now PvP Talents trees for normaly Basic Talents no wonder people want it back………

  9. correction, PVE mages hated alter time when it was add. every PVP mage LOVED alter time. it was one of the most powerful pvp spells, reverting back to your previous position/health/mana/buffs/procs after 10 secs or when you removed it yourself was INCREDABLY powerful in pvp

  10. for divine intervention they could just make it so that the person the pally uses it on phases out. That way it cant be used to cheese fights but it can be used in the other ways. for instance you banish a friendly target to the "holy relm" at the cost of ur own life. Fixes all thier issues.

  11. Eyes of the beast was really useful in ye olde dudgeon runs when you had to sit and wait for your new member to come find the party
    there was many a times when I used Eyes of the beast to Guide our lost back to the party so we could continue the dungeon

  12. I wanted to see Exorcism for paladin and old passive Art of War, but now when the paladin is cooldown based DPS it would work only for Holy because Exorcism was massive DMG but at very high mana cost


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