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Since Cataclysm, Blizzard has allowed players to fully customize their character’s appearance with any piece of armor and weapon so long as it was allowed for their armor and class type. It’s been innovated upon for many years since its creation and the modern era of transmog has created insane farms for the most specific of armor pieces to play dress up with. Throughout this list we’re going to be going over the hardest transmogs to farm in WoW’s current design.
Script and Setup by Lotthbrook
Video edited by Sam
├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
10.) Apron Tabard: (0:21)
9.) Party Sync/’Salvaged Cache of Goods’ Transmogs: (3:09)
8.) Pauldrons of Za’qul: (5:45)
7.) The Glazer: (8:29)
6.) World Defiler and Felslinger Sets: (9:58)
5.) Biggun Wolloper: (12:08)
4.) Unity Transmogs: (14:20)
3.) Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds: (16:38)
2.) Tier 3 Sets: (19:00)
1.) Uldaman Super Rares: (24:00)
– #WoW #WorldofWarcraft #warcraft
Today there are so many items to be chosen to transmog that the will to get them are technically gone from me.
Btw, shadowlands grind methods sucks so bad
Huh, I didn't know the Biggun Wolloper was a rare tmog to get, I got that one pretty early in my SL stuff when I hit max
Archeology really needs a revamp. Dragonflight or The War Within would’ve been a really good time. Make it story related content with the Explorer’s League or something coupled with more cosmetics and a more interesting/intuitive digging mini game.
None of these items peek my interest. Nice video very well made. Be well.
The Maldraxian Set would include the PvP world quest, so you have to remember to have War Mode on.
The mantid archeology strat is what i did to grind for the raptor skeleton mount and innkeepers daughter hearthstone.
Dang I farmed for the ginn-su sword forever ago and don't remember it being that bad. What was younger me thinking…
Bro wtf was no.2 lol…
“The Glazer is super rare” bought it off the AH for 35k.
I had pendulum of doom on all 39 pvp paladin. Would one shot every enemy in wsg.
Damn it, now I have to farm Uldaman again!
gave up on zin'rohk
I remember i dropped the Glazer during its extansion, but i found it so ugly that i deleted it instantly, i don't think I even have the transmog now, kek
Maybe the drop chance was wrong in private server. I have the pickaxe and axe one from uldaman.
The red and black legion rouge set thats never been completely found, the few items can get ez from rouge class hall then nothing since legion despite blizz saying its available in the game
If they have the technology to talk to an NPC to convert an entire zone to the original zone
Then they have the technology to convert a raid to it's original
The Tier 3 quest was a lot quicker for me since I still had the trinket to see the ghosts, the trinket to collect the stones and was exalted with them
pendilum of doom only drops from the flamewaver troggs and they spawn like 5 per instance.
i got the tusks a few weeks ago….. ON MY HUNTER. here is hopping it trasmogs over in war within, being i still have it in my bp
I love how a meme happened in Legion that Nomi can't cook, but if he can't cook, it's your own fault. You were his teacher when he was a child.
Well, i've got some of these lol. But to be fair I haven't played alot recently especially in the newer areas so. Alot of the new stuff I don't have.
you need a second part, It will take more that are difficult, but also the most needy and difficult to get, whether it is a drop rate like the Glorious Legplates and their tier set.
As well as that Blizzard should return to the old glories of bikini armors like Vanilla, and not a failed attempt that it is making now just in this expansion
I have the pendulum of doom, i had no idea it was rare. I guess that's where all my luck went lmfao
I have the world defiler set, tusks which I got on my 4th heroic/mythic kill when current content which made many people jealous, the necrolord set for cloth, Zin'rokh from archeology and the original zg version, tier 3 actually from naxx40 still enchanted with no longer available enchants
iam completly offended.. nobody talks about my maze from legion.. u know.. the maze from the maiden before the fallen avatar.. a maze with 0.00000% chance of drop.. i never saw anyone with that and i have it xD i feel so stupid for never using it..
its the same maze that the maiden use..
Man the Tier 3 steps….why the hell would they make you jump through so many hoops?! And how the hell did anyone have the patience to actually figure that all out? Just listening to the explaination is making my mind go blank