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In this video we will be going over the rarest, unobtainable mounts in the game’s history, that were once given to players via events or by gaining achievements.
Video Managed by FelPlague
Video Edited by Splitrift
–The List–
Intro: (0:00)
10- Obsidian Worldbreaker: (0:08)
9- Grove Warden: (1:16)
8- Tyrael’s Charger: (2:12)
7- Kor’kron War Wolf: (3:24)
6- Brawler’s Guild Mounts: (4:16)
5- Spectral Mounts: (5:33)
4- Pandaria Challenge Mode Mounts: (6:25)
3- Original Epic Mounts: (7:59)
2- Reins of the Black Proto-Drake: (8:50)
1- A Tribute to Immortality Achievement Mounts: (10:10)
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Yeah now everyone has tyraels charger 😅
Now a year later…
Tearyls charger ended up in the Cash Shop for 25$ and is now being given away during the current Diablo 4 event.
If you faction changed with the spectral griffen/wind rider you ended up with both when mounts went account wide (I have both)
Is the swift zevrah still attainable?
I would have gotten that siege of orgimmar wolf mount but my game crashed when his health was at 10%. So yep missed my chance.
Tyraels Charger is currently obtainable with the Diablo 4 event. Low drop chance mind you but still possible
this comment is a year late but I remember helping people in my guild and friends of mine get the grove warden mount, it def was the easiest of the ones on the list I feel
8 did come back for a bit for diablo 4
1 years after that's funny, I have some of them (like 4)
You can take Tyrael’s Charger right off the list now thanks blizz
Ooo, I have a 0% mount
So you're telling me that I accidentally got 3 unobtainable mounts?
#10 isnt unobtainable .. you can get it every year at anniversary
I have a lot of these mounts but missed out on the black protodrake by like a week 🙁
Lol Tyraels charger
You can see this is old video since they have added trading post since and some of these mounts have been added there.
What about the emerald hyppogryph
I love how I have 6/10 mounts but I don’t even play retail anymore just classic vanilla or wotlk
Black qiraji battle tank?????
I actually have everything to prove I should have the Kor'kron war wolf but never received it. Felt a bit cheated by blizz ever since then.
Putting back tyrael charger was disrespect, even though it wasn't very rare
I have a few of those. The Trading Post however giving Tyrell’s Charger etc takes away from its uniqueness and takes away its prestige
Yeah I think the trading post had both tryial's charger and spectral mounts
Having the Black Proto Drake is awesome.
I think my dad has the Swift Alliance Steed on one of his characters, but I'm not entirely sure.
Still have my Ashen Pandaren Phoenix, Grove Warden and Tyrael's Charger.