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Throughout the history of WoW, Blizzard has implemented many systems during the years that have come and gone. Some were features of expansions or just simply didn’t work out and Blizzard disliked how they felt. Regardless of these systems and how Blizzard felt, there were still a pretty large amount that players would’ve liked them to stay in the game. In this list, we’re going to be going over the removed systems of WoW and how badly players would like them to come back into the game.
Script and Setup by Lotthbrook
Video edited by Sam
├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
10.) Corruptions: (0:21)
9.) Guild Perks/Levels: (2:40)
8.) Reputation Tabards: (4:04)
7.) 3-Man Scenarios: (6:23)
6.) Azerite Essences: (7:55)
5.) Legiondary’s/Legion Legendary’s: (9:21)
4.) Personal Loot: (11:20)
3.) Master Looter: (13:10)
2.) Artifact Weapons: (15:22)
1.) Reforging: (17:58)
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Mate nobody has ever said they wanted the corruption system, the Azerite system, the artifact weapon system OR the legiondary system back. Is this an early April fools joke? When those systems were live EVERYONE was bitching about how awful they were and how they ruined the game. You can't just ignore history and try to spin a new narrative. This type of shit is how stuff like "Fake news" happens. Nobody is saying BFA was actually a good xpack, when it had a worse rep than legion which at the time did worse than WoD when it was live.
Personal loot is still in the game.. what?
I hope that reforging in in the top 3 😀 really miss that thing…
literally NOBODY wants corruption back. it broke the entire game.
Reforging was implemented to deal with hit cap. Going over hit cap was pointless as it provided zero benefit. If you were already hitting 100% of attacks, having more hit was wasted stats. Thus you could reforge out of hit rating to get more useful stats, or reforge into hit rating if you were replacing an item with hit rating with an item without it.
The removal of hit rating meant that reforging was no longer needed.
Reforging is the only system i want back. All the other systems were garbage
Rather than Reforging, I want old stats to be relevant again: Spell Power and Attack Power (instead of Int, Str and Agi being everything)
Didn't they bring back a bunch of the 'legion-daries' in shadowlands? I know that name is taboo now
Have group will travel.
talking about DKP was the best opportunity for you to use footage of onyxia and yell "THAT'S A FKN 50 DKP MINUS" and you missed it 🙁
No one wants corruption and azerithe essences system back.
The 3 Man Scenario got an improvement and is now called the "Follower Dungeons"
I will never understand, why people liked Reforging so much. For me, it was such a useless system. All you did, was reforge everything into hit rating until you were hit capped, and later on convert everything to your 'preferred' stat. Boring as hell and useless. Not a single added value in my eyes.
I wish my hidden artifact skin was actually hidden and not just bought at a vendor….
Playing BFA without your Artifact Weapon felt very underpowering and felt like having a handicap
That s so true!!!!!
Them getting rid of reforging was always a head scratcher to me. Presumably if youre in a raid group doing a rotation then youre probably into the game enough to understand what stats benefit your character. Plus more than that it let you mess around with weird builds that you normally wouldnt do because its harder to get new gear than to just reforge. Huge L from blizz.
I think artifact weapons were one of the best things ever added, it’s the only mechanic in a wow expansion that made me want to make an alt of every class to play around with the unique effects and appearances
If you want corruption gear back, you're a dumbass💀
Nope. Hated Reforging.
I wasn’t a fan of the legion legendary grind but reforging was amazing. Wish that would come back.
Blizzard not reintroducing reforging proper after all these years is genuine spite, malice even, knowing how much people wanted it when it was removed almost a DECADE ago and people still mentioning it to this day
Idk ANYONE who wants corruptions back. It was litteraly RNG city. Didnt get your falling star? You no raid. Ever. I was SO HAPPY when they got rid of them and I was finally invited to raid again. For context, I raided for weeks and never got falling star.