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My very subjective list of the greatest songs from in game World of Warcraft! If I did not stop myself at 20 because of the anniversary I would have had to make a list of at least 50 songs because there are so many great songs to choose from! The War Within actually manage to keep three spots in my favorite list, not bad after just a couple of month.
In this list I have included which zone it is from, if it’s included in a soundtrack I have listed the name, and also listed the geniuses behind the songs, the composers/producers. I took the liberty of adding two tracks for both Zuldazar and Lion’s Rest as the songs belong to each other.
This is my second video from the 20th anniversary of World of Warcaft. The first one was the cinematic trailers in chronological order.
I will make more videos about the 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft in the upcoming months, favorite zones in the game, tier-sets and best dungeons just to mention some.
Follow me for more World of Warcraft: The War Within content, music, gameplay, live streams and maybe some silly stuff 🙂
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About me: I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since 2006, exploring every corner of the game. Nowadays, I play casually, but my passion for Azeroth is as strong as ever! 310+ days spent on one of my Hunters.. I’m constantly creating content from World of Warcraft and I’ll keep it going with The War Within, and the entire Worldsoul Saga.
World of Warcraft
20 years of World of Warcraft
Worldsoul Saga
The War Within
20th Anniversary
WoW Music
Top 20 Songs in WoW – 20 Years of World of Warcraft
Which World of Warcraft song from in game is your favorite?
Alliance tavern
Dalaran theme (WoTLK and Legion)
nice list!
Nightsong is beautiful man, it has been on my playlists for 12 years no matter the music genre overall of said list. That and the Before the storm suit from BFA will never get old.
Azuremyst Isle
Wintergrasp. The feeling is almost melancholic, being stunned to death by a pro rogue
no number 2
Man, Matt Uelmen is such a unique composer, he doesn’t need all the generic „epic” fanfares and choirs, and all of his tracks sound sick and soothing at the same time.
I miss his soundtracks so much.
Wow, I did not expect that number 1 pick but I must say I am impressed. You are a man after my own heart, I agree with each and every pick of yours, especially nunber 1. It's clear we both like the dark and broody ambiance of outland :))
I remember when Cataclysm launched and I heard Nightsong for the first time. Absolutely blown away. I forgot what it was called, but there was a new Tauren song added too in Cata that was really good. The Alliance and Horde themes for Exile's Reach are also super good both being based off the Human/Orc themes from WCII. Just feels so very Warcraft-y for obvious reasons.
Culling Stratholme(Glenn Stafford)
hilsbrad vanila/(Cataclysm)
Thaurissan's Reach/Arathi highlands(Cataclysm)
Icecrown Citadel intro
Antechamber of Ulduar
Sindragosa Lair(Icecrown Citadel Raid WOTLK)
Icecrown – Gunship Battle(Icecrown Citadel Raid WOTLK)
Stormwind Cataclysm Soundtrack(Cataclysm)
Kul Tiran Tavern(BfA)
Twilight's Hammer(Cataclysm)
Howling Fjord and Utgarde Keep(WOTLK)
Nightsong(Vanila?? (Cataclysm))
Lion's rest(Legion)
Halls of Valor(Legion)
Goblin Tavern (Vanila Booty Bay)
Khadgars Tower(Draenor)
Borean Tundra(WOTLK)
Warbringers Jaina(Legion)
Waycrest Curse(BfA)
Midsummer Fire Festival Music – Alliance
All Demon Hunter Soundtracks(Legion)
Song of Elune(Vanila)
Darkmoon Faire
Stormstout Brewery Music – Mists Of Pandaria
Warfronts Arathi Alliance Music(BfA)
Westfall/Elwynn Forest/redridge mountains vanila/cata soundtrack
Silvermoon City(BC)
Halls of Reflection Music(WOTLK dungeon)
Wolf at the gates(Draenor)
Stranglethorn Vale and Zul'Gurub(Vanila)
Zandalar Forever(BfA)
Warfront Arathi Horde – Intro | Battle for Azeroth
Dalaran (WOTLK)
42 Chen Stormstout – World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Grizzly Hills(WOTLK)
Anduin Theme(Legion)
I love each of these tracks, I can't say that one is better than the other… or not, it's just that each of them touched my heart at some point. I didn't play Vanilla or BC. I started playing around the time of Pandaria when i was 10… But then I played on private servers of the older expansions, especially Cataclysm and WotLK… in 2012-2013. Oh, and if I missed any tracks, feel free to add them…
No Music included from Revendreth or Castle Nathria seems like an oversight.