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Hey, in this video I’ll be showing you the top 3 solo gold farms in The War Within WoW TWW solo gold farms!
Time stamps for each farm! 🎯
Farm 1: 0:29
Farm 2: 2:29
Farm 3: 7:42
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First 💞 salute ?
Thanks for watching!❤
Check out my Retail Gold Guide here:
Very good, thank you!
the first farm might get us banned 🙂
it`s using the wow farm method in our advantage , but still good farm
would be extremely helpfull if you can add gold per hour info to these farms even rough estimates are fine 🙂 ty
I didnt get it, where do u get your vax?
Time stamps
could only do the follower dungeon once and cant q up again
To add to the tinderbox farm, make sure you let Bran herb/mine/fish along the way, has a chance at boxes as well via that 🙂
Is there a difference in the origin of the second farm depending on the version of the dungeon? Now I need to throw a stick there and distract the mobs, I completed it 7 times and got nothing 🙁
Marvin Villages
Just a small tip , but when those wax orbs are in the air, instead of using the whirlwind to jump up, mount up and collect them. Its faster and easier.
Also if you buy the gold box or whatever at the wax guy (the box that just gives gold), Yesterday I bought it for the first time, bought 2 and they gave like 7.5k each. Does it always give 7.5k? Isn't it better than the other things to buy and hope for a drop of null stone etc?
I looked up wowhead, the Tinderboxes from Nightfall Sanctum have less than 1% drop rate – is that so? Tried one myself, did not drop, deciding if it'@s worth…
How is your loot apraiser still working? i heard that the guy left wow and its no longer supported. I keep getting UI errors when i use it.
Its alot more than 10 lockouts i promise you, but once u get locked out its per account per day
I'm using rare scanner and stuff but i cant find the wax things around the farm or it doesnt mark them so i have to fly low to see the glow to loot it, is there any way to make this easier?