Top 3 TANKS We Absolutely LOVE!

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Putting meta aside, today we make a case for our personal top 3 tanks with current day standings but also a little touch of history. We do a lot of war within tank tier list vids but this one is just about our favorites and it involves playstyle, performance, fantasy and overall fun!

Let us know what are your favorites and we’ll see how they fare in our next war within tank ranking video!

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41 thoughts on “Top 3 TANKS We Absolutely LOVE!”

  1. I have mained a Prot War for most of the 18 years i have been playing. I have only ever switched away in Legion when they just were not good and I briefly mained a DH because they were new and OP out the gate.

    I just thinking of Prot Wat as THE tank from a fantasy POV. Prot Pally is not bad for that either.

  2. 3.1k Brewmaster alpha male here, not some p. Prot paladin, makes me puke, playing with 2 buttons because you can literally macro every single ability, or bear dont make me even start, even warrior is meh spamming 2 buttons over and over.

  3. its funny, I find prot pally boring as all hell, its completely OP flavor of the month as well which lends to making it boring as hell. Its the childs tank, a child could play it just fine, just throw avengers shield and keep up avengers shield other than that, just mash buttons and you will succeed. There is no rotation realy or careful planning of cooldowns compared to other tanks.

  4. Blood main here but nowadays I just play Unholy not as fun playing a tank that can get one shotted if only they had those cheat death trinkets again. I do enjoy Vengeance and Monk too just not very good at it. I also Agree that we need Shaman tank

  5. Blood dks Its the setup for pulls. Plus you have to have a healer that understands how the dks healing and midigations work. I like dk but reality is pallies alot easier. Tool kit wise

  6. Blood fantasy has been my favorite since they came out. But wish they had a shield. I feel like tanks should have shields. Prot warrior is fun when it does a ton of damage. But it has absolutely no utility. Once you get to be a super efficient tank. You get so good at tanking you want to start helping your team. Warrior can’t do that. Blood DK can throw an Anti magic zone up. But that’s about it. Paladin is always the go to because they have so much to help their team. GIVE US A SHAMAN TANK. Which would help counter paladin like it’s always should

  7. My 1. Is Brew, yea i know its dogshit but for me just pure fun since Mop
    2. Warrior just love for this class since tbc and was my main till SV Hunter became Meele 😅
    3. Normaly DK then since wotlk youre a healmachine but since the steroid bear skin & the elune flavour Bear is my Nr. 3 😊
    Ps. As a swiss i prefer my real army knife 😂

  8. I play Blood DK and im love its super cool when my team dead on last boss in 10 Grim Batol i did Solo the boss from 12% and only CR the healer on 2% boss! But its crazy heart attack styler.

    Prot warrior is more chiller and relaxing. I really dont know why am I playing DK and not Prot warrior. Prot warrior is Super clear nice so my tank list is. Prot warrior – Blood Dk and Prot pala!!!

    Buuuuuuuut i will never give up and still waiting 2004 ago Blizzard give it to my my Shaman Tank spec on retail. I wanna tanking with my 20 year old shaman

  9. prot war will always be my favorite but brewmaster BFA S3 was so much fun I love brew tanking they need to fix that spec so much! Vengeance is my 3rd pick can’t beat how much fun vengeance is tanking!

  10. Guardian Druid shouldn’t be on this list for many reasons animation moveset it does in bear form is poorly designed blizzard lazy af in numerous expansions
    Each class melee or spell casting class animation should evolve as well from basic melee to basic spell casting & hard cast form 😑

  11. Bear main for a very long time but I stopped tanking about 2 months ago because it felt like I just didn't have the tools to survive a +10 weekly without feeling stressed. Switched to Ret as I had never played it and had a ton of fun and oddly enough felt more tanky on Ret than I did as a bear as I always seemed to have a CD for pretty much everything plus I did a ton of off healing and used BoS. This last week I tried Prot Pally and love it. Unlike bear I have a ton of actual mitigation so I'm not worried about running out of defensives and getting one shot in just weekly +10's. Despite only playing Prot for a couple of weeks back in legion I've already been able to get a higher score on Pally than I have on bear. Being able to DP every other pull is freaking insane.

    I want to love Prot Warrior but its visuals are lacking for me. Despite that I love the way it plays so I still tend to play it on occasion.

    DH was great in BFA where I pushed for portals for the first time but I didn't like the rework of spirit bomb, I've always preferred the 30's buff instead of trying to maintain high stacks.

    DK has some of the coolest visuals but I suck at playing it. I've tried but I get way to stressed out when my health spikes like it does on DK. I had a ton of fun as frost back in Wrath though.

    Monk has never been a tank I played. I am just not a fan of the aesthetics, mogs or the way it tanks.

  12. Im convinced brewmaster is getting a rework after the holiday break because the change to dance of wind.

    Dance of the Wind has been redesigned – Now reduces physical damage taken by 10% and an additional 10% every 4 seconds until you receive a physical attack.

    They changed this spell for mw and ww but didn't mention brew, which makes me think we will get a blue post soon.


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