Torghast Cinematic – Sylvanas and The Jailer Shadowlands

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Torghast Cinematic – Sylvanas and The Jailer Shadowlands


31 thoughts on “Torghast Cinematic – Sylvanas and The Jailer Shadowlands”

  1. She escape from being Arthas' puppet, to not wanting to be the Burning Legions puppet, to being the puppet of the Jailer. How things change, and yet still stays the same

  2. You know, considering both Jaina and Thrall HAVE had ….emotional/mental issues they had to deal with before, and still are, I don't really buy it that their minds are unbreakable.

  3. Sylvanas Windrunner joined The Jailer who was first mentioned as the Dark One in WoD by Ephial in the quest of kill him and later in Legion and BfA in Legion and Thrall (before she left and Thrall's return) Sylvanas was the only leader and the only female from Vanilla/Classic to still leading her faction until Thrall is leading Orgrimmar ever again a hearth please it is true

  4. so has there been any scenes with tryande in? or wtf is she doing in shadowlands? i fight it hard to believe that she is just walking around picking flowers and enjoying the view of the land


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