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Torghast is full of dangerous enemies, traps, and puzzles – here’s how to deal with them!
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0:00 Intro
1:29 Floor Clearing Strategy
3:15 Choosing Anima Powers
5:43 How To Use Phantasma & Ravenous Anima Cell
7:58 Dealing With Enemies & Bosses- Unnatural Power
12:00 What You Need To Beat Torghast
15:18 Traps & Puzzles
16:53 Lever Chest
17:35 Rune Chest
18:06 Lock/Sliding Block Puzzle
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I main a Shadow Priest… yeah I go holy to clear Torghast.
watching this i was confused about ya saying the bosses are dps checks until your BM comment.. I play a BM hunter and blow the living shit out of bosses in there. it is usually the indianna jones shit that kills me. traps etc.
Theres an anima cell for warriors that increases your shattering throw by 10,000%. I one shot every single boss except the last boss on every floor, downside is you can only do it once per floor.
Funny thing about the defensive powers: On my Resto Druid my favorite 'build' is getting the ability that procs Ironbark on heal, the one that causes Ironbark to damage enemies near me, and the one that causes enemies who attack me melee to take damage. I just pull groups and heal myself while mobs die from attacking me. Good fun.
As a BM Hunter, I had 99% Haste against level 4 boss…. lets just say it was the quickest 30 seconds of that bosses life
Does the broker give good options or should I turn something else into a power?
…Never knew there was a block puzzle…
As a casual fury warrior player I just can’t beat layer 4 idk about other warriors
My best tip thats worked for me is get single target anima powers. No point easily clearing floors with AoE if the boss steamrolls you.
Torghast is just boring after a run or two. Like after I've done layer 4 I'm over it for the week but still have to do 5 and 6 and then the other 6. They should just unlock the top one per week for both so we can just do both and be done if we're able. It's easy as hell just time consuming and somehow repetitive even though every run is supposedly different.
the lack of variety and just FUN anima powers is very disappointing
cheese? Is that a term I'm not aware of?
just get an addon for the puzzles
"Extreme difficult" lol. This thing is a joke for BM hunter
I never learn anything from your videos because I already know that stuff, but I still enjoy them for some reason. Except the lore ones, those were top notch.
Torghast really forces you to learn all of your spec. I feel that way after running it and still learning.
nice guide, but i'm going to forget about it's existence and figure it out for myself, cause i'm not going to spoil it for myself, i'm up to layer 3 atm and just rescued Jaina on my Holy Kyrian Pally.
One huge thing you forgot to mention. You can change your talents and spec under the bubbles on floors 3 and 6.
What addon is that for the bag organizer? or is that just through elvui?
I’m having a good time as prot pally
Why’d I watch this video I main prot pala lol.
To support bellular ofc.
I am killing it with my ww monk.
Tip for BrMs. Pick up the vivify corrosive debuff. Stack it. Pull heaps and just spam vivify on yourself and watch everything melt. This may work with ww and mw as well, but I haven't tried those yet.
Wtf mages. What about monks? 😂
It is probably a great guide, but can you make a guide about how to make torghast fun, alot of players hate torghast because it is so freaking stupid and out of balance. All the mobs are so easy to kill nothing is challanging but when you get at the boss, boom insta kill and no rewards so torghast is besides freaking stupid also a huge waste of time.
I tried a layer 3 and it seemed to be such a big jump in difficulty there were so many elite adds that I had trouble with especially the casters that sometimes I would just pull them feign death let my pets die then rez them and wait the 30 seconds at the end (it didn't work on floor 5 since the elite was in the same room the elite blocking the portal was but it worked in other places. The worst one that I cheated was a caster and melee dps locked in battle I went around them they aggroed me I feigned waited for pets to die killed the pots then avoided them and went into the final room. I do wish that if you fail you got soul ash for the floors you have killed it's annoying to be blocked by the boss, get kicked out and have nothing to show for it.
hi bellular,great video! which addon do you use for your backpack to have the items under organised names?