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You can review the items that are being sold by the vendor at the Trading Post for the Month of January without logging into the game or having an active game time.
This the 12th trading post, meaning if you haven’t missed a single one yet and finished the traveller’s log each time then you should get “Trading Post Enthusiast” achievement which awards “Burden of the Unrelenting Justice” (Maiev looking tmog sets.) Very fitting considering we will have a new night elf town of Bel’ameth coming in 10.2.5.
Happy New Years.
#tradingpost #dragonflight
This is the 12th trading post, meaning if you haven't missed a single one yet and finished the traveller's log each time then you should get "Trading Post Enthusiast" achievement which awards "Burden of the Unrelenting Justice" (Maiev looking transmog sets.)
Thanks for this