Tribute to Arthas Menethil (Warcraft III to Shadowlands)

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Arthas Menethil was one of my favorite characters from Warcraft franchise. With the Shadowlands’ latest content update, Eternity’s End, Arthas Menethil’s legacy is over. To give my respects to this incredible character, I wanted to compose a tribute video. Contrary to what Sylvanas says; may the last whisper of your name never fade… and be forgotten, Arthas Menethil.

This is my first tribute composing. Tried to reflect Arthas’ most important moments in his history. Hope you like it, fellow adventurers.

Some shots from IKEdit’s remasters. You can check his channel out here:

World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Featured image by Julie “Shuploc” Damgaard:

I have no rights over visual / auditory content on this video.

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10 thoughts on “Tribute to Arthas Menethil (Warcraft III to Shadowlands)”

  1. Is it Blizzard humble enought to make these last two expansions not canon and apologize for what they've done? No, but I wish they were. Rest in piece, one of the best characters in video game history. You will NOT be forgotten.

  2. God damn, one of the best fictional characters ever written. Now gone for good, rest is piece, Arthas Menethil! I will always remember your good deeds that you did for your people and your kingdom.

  3. When the Warcraft movie was made, we fans left a lot to be desired by supporting that project. The result was that the sequels never came out.
    So now, thanks to that, we will never see an Arthas movie on the big screen.

  4. So the story of Arthas was the best story blizzard ever had, but I feel like even then it was a bunch of c+ tier writers who just happened upon a good narrative and character cause nothing else they did really recaptured that.

  5. it is unknown if arthas and also his good paladin prince side soul fragment half is still out there somewhere in the maw since last remnant and flicker of arthas' soul was part of his soul and also his evil death knight and lich king side soul fragment half since arthas' soul was split when he carried and touched frostmourne his soul will be judged and redeemed in the new arbiter after zovaal's defeat and also defeat of denathrius and defeat and freedom of the manipulated real jailer primus and destruction of domination magic.

  6. Contrary to your contrary, It is not so much that they wish to forget Arthas, but more so that what Arthas has done should no longer be what affects future generations. His legacy is at an end, and the whispers of his name are to not be remembered as the tragedy who brought pain and suffering to everyone from the Third War to Wrath. But as one of the many men and women who are a part of the pages of history and no longer something that future generations will need to or ever have to worry about for Arthas and his legacy are no longer around to cause anymore harm to anyone, now and forever.


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