Trying To Heal Mythic+ With A Controller

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This is a video review of a viewer submitted holy paladn +14 necrotic wake in Shadowlands Season 3 of m+. I try my best to give some good advice for improving, even with a controller. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:

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I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for mythic+ in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and beyond. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.

0:00 Intro
9:30 Goregrind
18:40 Amarth
29:20 Stitchflesh
30:30 Nalthor


35 thoughts on “Trying To Heal Mythic+ With A Controller”

  1. Have a Guild mate that played with a controller. Had a disability. That might be the case here. Don't know how they do it, way too much going on in this game.

  2. I can’t even comprehend how you could play with an Xbox controller, no health/cast bars, target/focus frames, no target buffs/debuffs, no fast/easy way to use consumables, no ground textures, “sub optimal” camera movement and targeting, on top of the lack of keybinds. The more I watch, the more I see he is making playing harder, and the more surprised I am. Give him some credit though, there’s no way I could manage half as well with a console controller. Doing this would be so hard. He could make things a lot easier for himself. Regardless, that was surprising, even impressive in some ways. Terrible, but surprised he even done that to his party.

  3. My friend that introduced me to WoW and myself have always played with a controller. He uses the Console Port addon and I use JoyToKey with the Elvui action bars. My screen is more cluttered than his but, I prefer it over Console Port addon. Fairly easy once you get used to it.

  4. I found that the steam controller with its customizable circle pads was really great and comfortable for playing wow. When I had to take a train to work every day for an hour each way, it was a great way to play on my laptop with a broken trackpad.

  5. Haha your laugh is infectious mate, I always enjoy watching these videos just to see you lose it. Keep up the good work buddy. P.s. Your guides got me from a never healed ever to a mid 20s healer. Thank you

  6. Would playing on kbm instead of a controller would really magically solve all of his problems? No nameplates, “sub-optimal” cooldown usage, bad dps rotation, awful awareness, no knowledge of half of the mechanics/dungeon interactions. Reminds me a lot of myself when i only started playing. Also as hpal xD

  7. I have a guildie that plays warlock on controller who is really solid. We're on m anduin currently, and he's like 3400. I don't know about healing on one though

  8. I think there's a bit of a misconception about keybinds here. You aren't "paging". You are typically using modifiers which are incredibly fast. It's easier than using Alt+Key or Ctrl+Key keybinds.

    With controller modifiers, it gives you access to 8 x keys per modifier. That's actually more easy key combinations than a keyboard. The problem isn't the access to the keybinds for the abilities.

    The universal challenge with games like WoW which aren't designed with controllers in mind is targeting. Other games have better tools to target through more effective tab targeting which translates well to controllers. WoW is "ok" at this.

  9. Even if you don't get a unit frames addons, at least move the target out of the top corner. Please. Honestly, with as chaotic as the controller ui is, I think I'd maybe even take the details windows entirely off the screen. I love them, and they can be really useful, but with everything else going on, I think the goal has to be get as much off the screen as we can. If it's not party health or the controller interface, everything else can go in my opinion.

    I'd get SUF, though, definitely. Disable player frame in parties and include player in party. You don't need both. And have it show buffs/debuffs on party frames. That gets rid of your buff and debuff bars cluttering the screen by the map. Get rid of the details windows. Move the party frames towards the middle. Put target towards the middle too.

    If they are feeling a bit more motivated, get moveAnything and/or a quest log addon to get that area cleaned up so it takes up less space at least when minimized. Maybe even bartender and set the bars on the right to fade out when in combat.

    Of course, this is all just my opinion. That all said, for being on controller, they are doing much better than I could do. While there are changes I would make, solid respect for doing it.


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