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They have done an incredible job at starting to work on resolutions for the wow classic’s PvP issues and I can’t wait to see if they’ll go more in depth or leave it as it is… would be a bummer.
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0:00 – Intro
0:27 – Explaining the video
0:53 – Pros: Queue System and Premades
2:34 – RP Pool, Ranking & Pool Boosting
4:18 – Weekend BGs
5:44 – Cons: Balance Issues
7:15 – Incredibly low skilled players & Bad W/L ratio.
10:11 – Outro
Sorry for the ear r*pe, Vegas 20 is a small indie software apparently …
Wait does that mean i cant play pvp with more than 1 person? :0
What's this addon that is showing a table of Names, Honour, Standing, RP and Ranking
Remove Premades fine but competitive WSG and AB are amazing aspects of vanilla wow and perhaps some rated BG type premade vs premade should be introduced?
Why dont they just make a second premade que that requires all 20 players to be in two groups from the start? That way the server can have the best of both worlds
Hola que tal verdict saludos amigo muy buen contenido sigue así si en caso pudieras hacer más contenido sobre el pvp sobre las arenas pvp de turtle saludos y suerte.
I really dont understand why people wont queue as healers….did i miss something ? Ok most people play dps? Ait i pick healer and heal team mates. Whats the problem there?
This server is made to have fun so backpedaling all the way.
“I’m a retribution Paladin, I’m a shockadin”
“Yeah well I’m an arms warrior with bloodthirst”
Dood you lost me
if you like playing premades theres basically 6 pserver options plus retail idk why people would be against it…
Nice video. Clear your door….
world pvp still dead asf
SO PASS this server cuz no world pvp ( no fun )
im a mage player on ally side, im telling you , the allies are PVE ANDIES , i have never played on such pleb server and i hate it as a pvp`er!
7:50 No offense, but that's been the case historically in PvP. Horde just attracts the PvPers more I feel.
You are miss8ng a key desparity as well, gear. Ive noticed a lot of naxx geared horde players queing.
Btw where did you download your Bagnon from? Mine doesnt work.
Do you think Holy Priests have any chance at PvP or is gear inflation that high where you just get instagibbed? I reckon ele shamans can probably global people anyway, let alone clothies, but I am wondering which healer would be a nice pvp/pve option, excluding maybe Paladin since there seems to be an obscene amount of them around.
Is PVP ranking accelerated to some degree? In other words do you get pushed down if you don't no life every single day?
unless its a group of 2man getn in a bg
same as premade isnt it
ret paladins on turtle are insane idk what youre talking about. no flame but since you play one you probably dont see it, but paladins in general have been given so many buffs and positive changes on turtle. otherwise i agree with your points. love turtle wow pvp, world pvp is so fun and the class balance changes have been mostly good
after china invasion now you need 900k honor weekly to even consider this shit
Gross your a paladin. Random ques are fine, and I don't think that was specifically them I remember trying to que at the same time with my friends in nilla. More important is no battlnet pvp so you get to learn who you play against. The server has a meh rule set which is why they are planning a real pvp server. Pvpers can go warmode and be permaflagged which allows pvers to try to farm them.
Hello! You video kill me 6:18, let’s go pvp 1 /1!!! Напиши мне в игре, я задам тебе трепку)
calling out a backpeddler whilst clicking your concencration is so cringe
ill play horde thatll bring the W/L ratio down a notch
This is a rppve server these are not people who are going to be too cracked at pvp, that being said alliance has far more low skill players because they have way more players i think the latest ratio is like close to 70/30. They roll alliance because they want to be a paladin or just not be up against paladins, they heard it was op. Horde is where actual pvp players or people who want to be up against noobs go to my opinion based on observations made playing on this server for about 2 years.
They should just add ranked pvp so people can play tryhard and play casual
Please turn down the background music, Great info thank you!
I like turtle wow because there's no one there playing like a meta pro. It makes the game more fun when you don't have to play like a sweaty classic Andy
How tf did that seduce pass through the bubble , lol