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#worldofwarcraft #onlyfangz #sodapoppin #tyler1playsworldofwarcraft #cyclonianelite
GIGACHAD Tonka T kills cyclonian elite warrior/cheese method with minimal practice. WoW is pretty easy.
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I love that T1 is having fun. He deserves to have fun after all those miserable years that LoL gave him just to entertain us
It the lands of weaklings, the one with a bit more some muscle stamina is king
T1 is a genius gamer. I don't even like him much but props need to be given. He will master WoW and make all of you "pros" look ridiculous like he did with League and Chess.
This took quite a few attempts and while the reward it great, it is forgotten
T1 gotta watch the old sony digital pvp videos XD
stop screaming you pussy
"Easiest quest ever" also "My body hurts I was so stressed".
Boosted by other as usual
Why is the audio delayed
he doesn't realize what you have to do to get the charms he got traded lmaoo that's why he's saying it was easy
how is this boring ass fight a challege.. they basically got someone to babysit them through the whoel weapon chain and jsut run in water and throw axe for 25 min to get the weapon
I think …. T1 loves WoW now. This wasn't on my Bingo Card for the 2020s
"easiest quest ever!!!! btw ny forearms and neck physically hurts because I was so pressed" 😂 and I mean yeah he literally had soniD coaching him. It's like playing league and being coached by a top tier pro from the get go haha. Glad TT is enjoying WoW tho he can't hide it at this point
Following Tylors wow journey has been awesome so far. Him going from lvl 1 in mulgor to soloing elite quests like this is top tire entertainment.
but did he farm the charms by himself.. no lol but still grats
Tyler1 playing wow before gta 6 is wild
I'm subscribing. You justm got a new subscriber big boss.
The screaming all the time is kinda cringy as fuck for someone who has a baby lol
is this actually hard or wow players overrate its difficulty? (im a league player i dont know)
T1 was locked in
I enjoy that he’s building a team of the most beefed out gigachads in the guild
It's actually impressive how nobody griefed him and how many people where watching it from the side, trying actively not to ruin the vibes by being in the T1's view.
True gamer!
F riot turning young men into their slaves using their prison algorytm to deliberatly exploit human weakness. All so they can shove their skin design down your throat all fking day bro. Criminal anti humanity business model.
Time to stop watching cause he got carried by 60 so now he cant die till 60
He’s so funny, he’s had me crying laughing. That scream that sounded like the guy from home alone the other day finished me hahaha.
4 steel bars for 2g , huh.
defo no handouts or rmt
why does he need to strafe
What a chad
Can’t help but to love Tyler
NICE 😀 OnlyFangs is nice haha
literally his first week playing wow and alreadysolos cyclonus like its nothing, its true tyler is a genius and godly at whatever he does
Grats man! Didn't soda get carried for this quest? 😂
I respect the hell out of this! It's also probably one of the best parts of Vanilla WoW, across the whole game…. being a level 30 warrior with Whirlwind axe is absolutely Godly!
He is so excited
i could do that
kek 14 xp
thrilling gameplay
How is he hitting and not missing practically every time against a skull level mob?
I love how he got more excited for beating the elite not getting the axe.
Shoutout to the WoW community who respectfully stood at the east and west sides of the river. Great moment 😄
T1 calling his guildies after hype af is what game is all about
Plays cow ingame,is gnome irl
Huge shoutout to soni and ahl though for teaching the warrior way to big tonka and helping him with the quest items