Holy Priest PvP Guide / Shadowlands 9.2 – ALL IN ONE

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Hey guys I cover the Holy Priest 9.2 in this one video by going over the talents, covenant, stats, legendary, rotation


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13 thoughts on “Holy Priest PvP Guide / Shadowlands 9.2 – ALL IN ONE”

  1. I’m leveling night fae now since the double-legendary has to be a covenant one. Holy doesn’t really have much of a second option anyways, other than sephuz. My idea is to go with bwomsandi pact and harmonious. I feel that between guardian and a 30% with basically a one min cd since it lasts 20 secs.

  2. Nice video, found it really useful. I'd really like to continue using Mindgames in 9.2 and am reluctant to switch covenants, but the Venthyr legendary just seems so underwhelming.. might have to give NF a go and see how it works. Keep the good work up, subbed and liked : )

  3. Most useful thing ive found from greater fade is playing against aff lock and priest with mindgames to greater fade mass dispel so you dont take damage from dispelling unstable affliction


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