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Bro is going rank 1 in wow too.
holy fuck they butchered my boy
How can anyone listen to this more than 10 seconds
WoW is shit, and has been shit for approximately 20 years. the game is terrible. Out of 15+ MMORPGs ive played, its the worst of them all.
i hope he sticks with it and proves the wow nerds how easy their main game is.
As a longtime wow player youre the only one I'm excited to watch
The game is not hard… but people want to rush and/or do silly mistakes that get them killed.
With the fresh servers is it straight to last patch?
Tyler get a low fade , trust me
Those ppl need a ban, they didnt read the first thing the game throws at you
kids are so cringe nowadays..omfg!
24:34 He's gonna see. 😛
I know it’s not possible, but I really hope chat pisses off and lets him actually play without 100’s of people following him around emoting thinking they’re funny.
29:53 that comment had me actually laughing my ass off
I think this has to be one of the biggest twitch finesse’s , sodapoppin commentated a wow event for 5 hours, and sodapoppin got 5 months of tyler1’s life
I subbed i need more !!
May God have mercy on his hairline
This and supervive might make tyler actually fun to watch for a change!
fukin love this, hopefully he keeps playing
This happens when ones fanbase are 14yr olds
If Tyler sticks to it and actually commits like he did to 5 role challenger or to Chess, we are in for some entertainment.
I actually laughed when we logged in to a swarm of tauren.
I never expected this to happen, but i am excited.
Dude remove every single one of those Addons, Wtf is that shit
holy shit stream watchers are so cringe
If Tyler just has the fortitude to get past the beginner zone and be able to group up with his guildmates, the content will be sooo good!
fanboys are so fucking annoying, ill never understand how its fun to harass streamers like get a fucking life fr. if he plays for more than a few days ill be astonished
He didnt use Battle Shout even once lol
This is the best wow content I’ve seen in years.
excited for this lol
26:05 Level 255 Gnome Paladin?
What an annoying kid.
You rule man, this game is amazing and I hope you have a good time playing it
Unfortunately he can't brute force his way through hardcore there's just zero shot, not a game mode you can brute force through.