Unholy DK Mage Tower Guide (Shadowlands 9.1.5 PvE)

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Hi guys, today I’m walking you though the Legion Timewalking Mage Tower Challenge! This is a fun and exciting challenge that rewards a Tomb of Sargeras Mythic Transmog set with a special tint. I’ll cover talents and gear, and then walk you through the fight.

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22 thoughts on “Unholy DK Mage Tower Guide (Shadowlands 9.1.5 PvE)”

  1. Shhh… don't tell people this is actually possible, I'm enjoying the salt mine of folks who thought this was a faceroll=participation trophy scenario.

  2. this is much different from my experience, I barely hit 67% hp after drums buff ends, and when I got the boss to 2nd phase it has already got 8 stack or so, also adds are almost instantly starting recast healing after grip and mind freeze. from ur perspective it seems a lot easier than what I've just experienced, btw 252 UH DK same stats same trinkets, I only do not have jaythis.

  3. I'll just say that it looks as if we are playing 2 different encounters.
    I have no doubt you are more mechanically skilled than me, but the opener is the same, and there is really not much to it, yet after it, your boss is at 60%, and mine is at 75%

  4. I'm actually having a similar issue of reaching about 75% health by the time drums wear off and I'm managing the healing demons pretty well. No issues getting her to phase 2 eventually though.

  5. This is an absolute joke to do as unholy dk, as 251 elem i can only do 500 dps which half as much and every healing imps are insanely harder to deal with as well as small imps. I oneshot this as unholy and only got past 50% like 5 times after 4 hour's on elem. Same encounter being is extremely unfair towards some specs.


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