UNKNOWN Facts For EVERY Vanilla Class | World of Warcraft

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The classes that Vanilla World of Warcraft eventually released with were so different from some of the originally planned ideas during the WoW Alpha.
Today im looking back to some lesser known class changes or abilities that were planned for Vanilla but never saw the release.
These are UKNOWNN Facts For EVERY Vanilla Class | World of Warcraft

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33 thoughts on “UNKNOWN Facts For EVERY Vanilla Class | World of Warcraft”

  1. so alot of the stuff here was in the original shipped version of wow and was changed during vanilla when blizzard did talent work word passes. ret really had consecrate and kings as a bottem talent. survival did in fact have a shitty bleed at the bottem of the tree.

  2. I thought for sure that you'd talk about shaman's having real tanking functionality in the alpha. And how it was removed just before launch. With a few aspects being missed by the devs. Such as Rockbiter Weapon and Earthshock generating extra threat. The reason why they scrapped it was due to not getting the coding to work to link totem aggro with the shaman. It was too late in development to revamp them. So, they stripped them instead and left uf with an awkward and broken spec.

  3. i kinda hate "rogues once had bucklers" as a unkown fact because its so wildly known a this point- especiallly post SoD where it got circulated more in regards to rogue evasion tanking and all that trivia–

    i actually think rogue evasion tanking is a more interesting piece of trivia than the buckler tidbit

  4. 8:17 It was actually pretty good and way more fleshed out than paladin and shaman melee gameplay. I’m tired of people thinking the only hunter fantasy is an archer and conflating archery with being a ranger and not the historical infantry unit. Maybe stop hiding behind a pet and interact with the entire class and you’ll find there’s more fun to be had instead of an excuse to watch something on another screen…

  5. I think a lot of issues the talent trees had probably could of been fixed if they had just taken the active abilities out and made them apart of the classes then just make the tree a passive tree instead of a combination of actives and passives. Especially when spells like consecration or sweeping strikes are in it and those abilities themselves already improve aoe threat generation for tanks and don't really change but improve the classes overall play style.

  6. Hi Will!

    Resurrection abilities were also made non-combat (I think in the very last patch of beta). Imagine how different the game would have been if every healing class could have rezzed in combat!

  7. Serpent totem is clearly taken from Warcraft 3 where the Witch Doctor hero had this exact ability. The Witch Doctor and the Shaman abilities were squished into the same class, so it is clearly from there.

    I assume it was changes into Searing Totem to make all totems look alike instead of having a unique model for it.

    I do think it is sad. That Serpent totem looks awesome, and the animation is quite cool. It would have definitely pulled some attention in PvP having that totem spit fire balls at your enemies!


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