Unlocking Flying in SL and Last Minute Warnings – Saturday WoW News

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Shadowlands is almost here! An interview with Ion this week broke news that flying may be coming to Shadowlands earlier than we thought. Also, spend your Titan Residuum, open your cache and wrap up any business you have with the prepatch event before SL launches next week. This show includes discussion of the WoW news of the week and answering questions. If you have any questions that you’d like answered on a vlog, include the word ‘question’ and leave them as comments!

Wowhead’s interview https://www.wowhead.com/news=319241/exclusive-shadowlands-interview-with-ion-hazzikostas-class-balance-covenants-sea

Shadowlands Dungeon Guide Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHBcemKOV_Hbd7fyBMntexyOrA7fRR2U6

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0:00 – Last Days Before SL! Hype and Last Minute Warnings
2:04 – Unlocking Flying in SL
3:14 – No Updated Flight Whistle in SL
3:54 – My Life This Week and Plans for SL Launch
7:01 – What Addon Client I Use
7:51 – BfA Gold Emissaries in SL
9:09 – Should You Spend Argent Commendations Before SL?


45 thoughts on “Unlocking Flying in SL and Last Minute Warnings – Saturday WoW News”

  1. Hey Hazel! So it's 2:15 hours before the launch. Just watched your video. Makes me even more excited! It is wonderful persons like you in the community that make WoW such a unique experience. Have a great release day and enjoy the expansion!!

  2. Love your videos! Always so informative! I used to watch a certain used to be pink haired girl for wow updates but she seemed to have turned away and you have stepped up in her place very well! Keep up the great job!!!😃

  3. I'm always amazed at how she's able to continue so "professionally" despite the cat and even manages to pay attention to the cat WHILE continuing to talk so smoothly.

  4. I’ve been using the DBM voice pack since you released it. Tried to update it, but it wouldn’t let me. I managed to get it working by uninstalling it, and then re-downloading. (and of course, reactivating in dbm)


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