UPDATED 9.2 MM Hunter Shadowlands Guide | Night Fae Stats/Lego/Talents/Rotation | WoW

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Thanks for watching my guide! This was the hardest thing I’ve done to this point here on YouTube, I hope you enjoy! I can officially say I’m sick of hearing my own voice 🙂 UPDATES FOUND BELOW, CLICK HERE!

Legendary Guide found here for ALL covenants: https://youtu.be/heT7qzJ1azE

00:0001:28 – Intro
01:2905:08 Why Night Fae?
05:0908:58 ST Niya Soulbind
08:5909:50 AoE Niya Soulbind
09:5112:57 ST Dreamweaver Soulbind
12:5813:35 AoE Dreamweaver Soulbind
13:3615:05 ST Talents
15:0616:12 AoE Talents
16:1317:49 Stat Priority
17:5018:54 ST Opener
18:5519:14 ST Opener Example
19:1519:42 AoE Opener
19:4320:04 AoE Opener Example
20:0521:56 ST Rotation Prio
21:5723:07 AoE Rotation Prio
23:0829:58 Legendaries & Tier Set
29:5930:44 Macros/WAs
30:4532:07 Consumables & Enchants
32:0833:43 Outro

iLvl: 243
Stats: 37% Crit, 11% Haste, 23% Mastery, 3% Versatility
AOE Talents used: 1,3,2,2,2,3,3
Anima Powers used: Champion’s Brand x2, The Stone Ward & Handbook
Covenant: Necrolord
Soulbind: Bone Smith Heirmir
Conduits: Sharpshooter’s Focus, Reversal of Fate, Condensed Anima Sphere, Rejuvenating Wind, Necrotic Barrage & Harmony of the Tortollan. Forgeborne Reveries, Resourceful Fleshcrafting, Bonesmith Satchel, Heirmir’s Arsenal: Marrowed Gemstone, Carver’s Eye & Mnemonic Equipment.
Legendary Used: Bag of Munitions
Links Used: https://ptr.wowhead.com/news/gearing-in-patch-9-2-eternity-s-end-new-legendary-belt-will-swap-between-324953

How to Unlock ZM items: https://www.wowhead.com/guides/zereth-mortis-activities-how-to-unlock

Links to 9.2 MM Hunter guides:
Kyrian: https://youtu.be/KLbDUjGWkfU
Venthyr: https://youtu.be/hVMpA5Y8HBA
Night Fae: https://youtu.be/_VAXBOHfHBw
Necrolord: https://youtu.be/lN_8YjjGtN4

Link to Mage Tower: https://youtu.be/pbCjVpXh_EQ
Link to Legendary bow video: https://youtu.be/2ez8ULaOVkU

Pet Tame Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTLYfh6kSLiu92K9rkoeCUgg9gIVIc0Qe

New animation by Mullusion on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mullusion

Link to Bow Reaction: https://youtu.be/_zNL1skTWqw

Link to Raider.io: https://raider.io/characters/us/zangarmarsh/Greeley

Link to my “virtual tip jar” (donations are never expected, but only if you want to)
PayPal: www.paypal.me/mreggplant

Wowhead Guide: https://www.wowhead.com/marksmanship-hunter-guide

Soulbind Calculator: https://www.wowhead.com/soulbind-calc/kyrian/pelagos/hunter/

Link to 9.1 guide: https://youtu.be/q9-C2RopMHk
Link to 9.0.5 guide: https://youtu.be/z7qLiTnblNk
9.0 Guide: https://youtu.be/z7qLiTnblNk
Soulbind Video: https://youtu.be/69CKSEvs1ao
BFA Retrospective: https://youtu.be/XYG3wY-ZMvA
Shadowlands Alpha Video: https://youtu.be/SMngDg3AHCE
Shadowlands Beta Video: https://youtu.be/k3yrlWvnN1Y

Stat priority: Weapon Damage, Agility, Crit, Mastery, Vers, Haste (8-12%)

Addons: WeakAuras, DBM, Quartz, Bartender, Classmods, Titanpanel

Setting up addons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX00apZl0p8&t=288s

Click here to subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQdjte1daphveVsdGXUKWVA

Icy-Veins Guide: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/marksmanship-hunter-pve-dps-guide

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

Consider subscribing to my channel 🙂

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQdj
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/g_reeley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greeleytyler/
Discord: https://discord.gg/pKGDsRYvYy
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mreggplant
Nintendo ID: SW-7071-1618-2425
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Bnet: Greeley(hashtag)1373

Thanks for all the support and for supporting a small channel like mine 🙂

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#Guide #MMHunter #Shadowlands


16 thoughts on “UPDATED 9.2 MM Hunter Shadowlands Guide | Night Fae Stats/Lego/Talents/Rotation | WoW”

  1. Updates will be found here! I'll have a gearing video and pet taming video for 9.2 and so much more near the end of the week in preparation for the first week of raid. Leave me your feedback, I know these went long once again… I'm just so happy I was able to go more in depth for each covenant! UPDATE: Volley instead of LoL for both ST and AOE especially with your 2 set from tier gear.

  2. I am going to be playing MM on the side, normally a tank player, I have a level 60 one but, want to make it either Orc or Mag'Har Orc is there much difference to overall DPS? I guess Orc would be technically the best.

  3. Why does every "pro" bunter plays kyrian ? What have changed in the last 3 weeks ? Is it because of the double/fourth legendary ?
    Very nice guide helped me a lot 🙂


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