UPDATED All 6 Tanks WORST to BEST for Shadowlands Dungeons

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A lot has changed for tanks in Shadowlands since my last video. I thought it would be a good idea to give an updated overview on how tanks are looking. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:

Featured Streamers:
Dorki (bear/bdk/prot pally): https://www.twitch.tv/dorkibear
Andybrew (brew/prot war): https://www.twitch.tv/andybrew3
Psycho (vengeance/havoc): https://www.twitch.tv/psychoxdh

Watch me push keys live: https://www.twitch.tv/yumytv
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/yumytv
Thumbnail & Graphics by Alyssa: https://twitter.com/alyssaleanaxo
Wow Healer UI Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbTzF7JAEu8

I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.

0:00 Intro
2:58 Blood Death Knight
4:45 Protection Warrior
6:14 Guardian Druid
8:05 Brewmaster Monk
10:35 Protection Paladin


44 thoughts on “UPDATED All 6 Tanks WORST to BEST for Shadowlands Dungeons”

  1. Ok so you basicly telling me i can completely forget my dk right now. Bottom tier bdk tank
    Frost dk with breath of sindragosa
    Unholy with 0% haste and bad target cap

  2. Okay but druid tanks would always lose health faster than any other tank class. Paladin wouldn't lose health at all. Monk wouldn't keep aggro. Just my experience in random dungeons as a healer over the years. Hoping Shadowlands buffs Druid and Monk tanking ability. Would be cool if it buffed Resto Shaman as well (remember that spec exists?).

  3. lol if i look at those hp drops wouldnt i want you as tank at all x.x i rather would quit as heal then having that much stress that the tank dies with the next 4 mob hits -_- AND STOP RUNNING SO MUCH AROUND you are not in PvP o_o

  4. I just came here from a video claiming opposite 😀 It put DH at the bottom for any content, and pally at the top followed closely by warrior. I guess we gotta make our own mind during prepatch 😀 Thx for the video tho, good sum-up

  5. Things are changing so fast that it's not even worth to make decisions on these videos.
    The last video Growl made BDK was top tier. Now it sucks.
    We just have to wait until everything is tuned.

  6. Prot paladin feels actually overwhelming due to the buffs its your heals. An instant "I gain half my health back" feels really fucking powerful, especially when paired with a druid.

  7. My fav 2 tanks to play are dk and dh….sooo as long as one of those is doing good, im fine. Only thing with dk though is i can choose 2 dps specs but they keep getting nerves. For now dh is my go to unless something else happens. We shall see

  8. There is nooo way BDK is the last lol, i could accept a 3rd place , but last there is NO WAY BDK is under prot warrior and guardian , in a world where the most damage in m+ is magic

  9. That's interesting. I don't actually do much group content with my Vengeance DH, my highest key in time with her is Underrot 3. It's a fun solo spec if you aren't overly concerned about ending encounters quickly, and since mine is primarily a leatherworker over anything else being able to pull big packs of animals is great for gathering leather.

  10. Just about every tank works and I’ve seen the weaker tanks but the people playing them could REALLY play them. So,.. My favorite Tanks to play are my Druid and my Paladin. ..but they play differently and it’s a real night and difference to me.. Prot warriors have always been better near the end game.. they have the skills to like Druids can easily stay alive but they Dodge more and can’t block .. but they have excellent dmg reduction abilities..

  11. Love the drunken fighting style of brewmasters and they all need buffs. Prost are so fun and the ability to heal them selves and the ability to knock off effects on healers. Absorbs for a mage or healer and their shielding can get agro back if you lose a mob to someone over dpsing


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