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Welcome to the Study! This is Brofessor Hemlock. Today we go over 3 variations in AOE rotations focused on mythic+ as Kyrian Arcane. All three of those rotation options are strong in their specific situation and can be used to effectively aid your group in making pulls go as smooth as they possibly can go.
I hope you enjoyed the video! Looking forward to answering any questions that may come up so please feel free to ask away. 🙂
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees i need this
Love how consistent your uploads are. Always well reasoned, easy to digest information. Thanks for keeping the Arcane dream alive ^_^
yeah i'm waiting for this new AOE cycle
I saw it at other video and I'm using this cycle, the result was perfect
But i have one question that i'm using 0%haste now but in AOE fight i have to take some haste.
Can you tell me the least haste for good DPS?
Like and Comment before watching good sir! Been waiting for this!
Awesome guides mate 👍 I'm curious how you sim yourself in m+ . I see some do patchwerk fight with 5/6 mobs and time to 40secs but would like how the pros do it ( you) 😎
Great guide. Thank you. One question though…I noticed you didn't include PoM on these rotations. Is there a reason why you wouldn't?
You just keep it coming with new knowledge every time. Such a complex spec, this spec is definitely not fully explored!
When adds spawn on M Lady Inerva Darkvein, do you use the Minimal Priority Target one or do you use the normal Major Priority Target? It's technically 4 targets at most (we're doing the immune an add strategy)
Great stuff, Brofessor. What about as nightfae?
Have you tried doing an Arcane Explosion or two after Spark before TotM to have higher Spark stacks for the Harmony'd ABarr? I am trying to do the math on this right now using some of TheAmara's normalized values, modified for 2, 3, 4, 5 target cleave.
The calculation is more complex than I first thought but may come back and update this comment if I figure out a way to calculate. My thought is that using the big ABarr on a 2 stack RS may be worse overall than having the final Orb + ABarr outside of spark but still inside TotM. Especially overall damage not just priority target dmg.
Yay I’ve been watching all your vids and I love them!!! I just picked up arcane mage and liked your kyrian gameplay. This video was super helpful
How many targets is it worth to use ae over missiles for the clear cast?
Thank you so much!
you're the best! thank you for uploading this great guide! I love this.
Am I just not going to compete if I stick to Night Fae for Mythic+?
Hi, ty for great video. Can you tell me about secondary stat? Why you have 10% haste? In this time i have some problem with dps, i have 21%crit, 1%haste, 33% mastery, 10% versa. I use Night Fae.
I noticed that 80% of bosses are immune to arcane barrage…
Question for High Target Amount Rotation – Im sure you have tested this well and I personally haven't checked it yet.
Wouldn't Spark > Touch > Barrage > 2x Explosion > Barrage > Orb > Barrage deal more damage?
EDIT: To elaborate, I just feel like the stacks we are getting from Touch feel wasted without being used before the Explosion stacks. Due to the high amount of targets, I can imagine the overall damage from AE do outweight tho
Brofessor I was wondering if you could answer a question for me or link me one of your videos if you've answered this already. How much better is Kyrian than Venthyr for St/Priority target damage? I've been a Venthyr frost mage all expansion and just crafted my Arcane Lego last night. I've been trying to watch a lot of videos before making the switch and wondering how vital it is to switch covenants?
please keep up the good work your explanations are awesome!
Thx for the new tech Brofessor! I look forward to adding this into my repertoire.
I recently caught the eye of a frost mage who I inspired to create a second mage just to try out kyrian arcane!
I sent him your way of course. The army grows!
Question: When you do 3x Arcane Explosion, Arcane Barrage, Orb, Arcane Barrage – isn't the last stack of Radiant Spark on the Orb?
First of all… Thank you for your Guides. They really helped. But i have a request. Would you try Nekrolord with the new Legendary? I really wanna hear your opinion. I tried it on the PTR and it seems to be really strong in cleave situations and and you do A LOT damage with this on three targets and even in ST.
Brof thats is INSANE!! I Just did 65k burst inside TotM on a +19 SoA with this new AoE rotation. F@cking awesome insights that provide us room to do higher keys.
You are doing the greatest work for our arcane community and im so greatfull to achieve it like u said.
I just switched to kyrian , and I have to say arcane is hella fun lol. thanks to these videos I'm able to do the rotations correctly 🙂
you dont play enlightment talenttree anymore?
If you PoM before the pull, can you get 2 Arcane blasts in after the orb on the 3rd rotation?
keep doing this super awesome videos, kyrian arcane power 🙂