Updated Log-In Screens for World of Warcraft // UI Update Concept

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Updated Log-In Screens for World of Warcraft, so many things in the game have be modernized and brought up to a standard that is acceptable in this day and age of gaming, but the log in screen has remained some what the same since vanilla. I thought I’d put together a video of some of the cool things Blizzard could do with an update to the player log in screen. It’s an easy way for Blizzard to earn some free bonus points from the community. It’s also about time it has ultrawide support. I want my black bars gone when I log in.. it’s real annoying.

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29 thoughts on “Updated Log-In Screens for World of Warcraft // UI Update Concept”

  1. "Everyone and anyone who has played World of Warcraft has seen the login screen.. and it just looks.. so dull."

    It's a almost a 20 year old game. There are tons of parts of it that need and should have been refined and updated years ago. TONS.

    Also, no telling what would break in their spaghetti code in order to do something even close to this.

  2. "It's an easy way for Blizzard to earn some free bonus points from the community."

    Nothing about this is free in terms of man hours to develop it. Even this, as a concept, may be nice, but it's incredibly rough. Poor lighting, and a very intrusive UI. Blizzard would want any sort of customization options readily available on the screen rather than through an options menu, and producing quality backdrops takes a ton of time when you consider there are 24 different races in the game, all of which have their own communities that would demand their own unique racial backdrop – not including the special cases like Death Knights and Demon Hunters, who would probably prefer their own, separate from their racial backdrop (Evokers would be both, anyways).

    Doubt anything like this would come anytime soon. Perhaps a simple update to the current ones would be nice, but even that would take time and money.

  3. This is definitely a cool concept, though I think there probably are better ways of allowing players to choose their mount/pet. Either have the collection UI displayed when selecting or maybe mark them to appear in that list while logged in on a character(with some cap). Very cool overall though, would love to see it implemented some day

  4. Great Job!! If they added this I might not play the game anymore cause I will never make it that far, they will have to add a smaller version of the game called: World of Warcraft – Log-in Screen©


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