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We are in for THE biggest invasion of Azeroth ever in all of history. The Void Lords do not play games, they don’t invade like the legion with armies and spaceships, they come in and you are done, the mortals that do survive turn into the ethereals. Void Lords are insanely powerful but they cannot manifest themselves without a gigantic power source, that is why they originally sent the Old Gods to set the ground. It is almost certain that they want to use the sheer raw power of Azeroth to anchor themselves and to finally after hundreds of thousands of years manifest themselves in their full glory.
Step one is Xal’atath setting the ground, confirmed step 2 is them using the Sunwell aka Naaru power to really invade and then unless we stop step 3 we are essentially hopeless. Xal’atath is obviously spreading the void everywhere, interestingly enough the just released book confirmed that the Twilight Highlands is still seeing a ton of void activity and the epicentre of the invasion will be Quel’Thalas. Brick by brick the void lords are coming after all this time and it is going to be insane.
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]
Do you think all the Void Lords are after Azeroth or just one? Also I'd like to thank Awesun for making this video possible: Download AweSun Remote Desktop: Get 7-Day Remote Game Trial: DORON, Only 200! Reward link: Check out the AweRay Remote Smart Power Plug: How to remote play PC games on your mobile phone:
This is making me wonder:
After Midnight, will they alter the lore and gameplay of Shadow priests to the point where they're no longer using the void, but instead using the Light to do damage? I mean, if the Void is a horrible evil force, it'd make a kind of sense if adventurers all decided to no longer use it, and it wouldn't be the first time a whole spec got renamed and retooled.
You said it is confirmed that Alleria gets void lords whispers, when/where was it confirmed?
Yeah. And some random heros will kill them
It would be cool to see if they would reuse Sarkareths boss room area for something.
I swear we had better straight up lose to the Void Lords if and when they show up. I've had it with this power of friendship nonsense that they've been pushing winning constantly
Make the villains feel threatening again dangit.
And let us actually understand what they're planning!
We'll just goku the void lords
Random godly power up to fit the scenario 😂😂
I actually want to face the void lords I was among the adventurers that killed nzoth and know I want to go after his creators
will deathwing return as a void infused creature.
In order to be perfect they split their souls so they would only focus on order and the others began plotting after escaping their version of the maw
I still don't get how the Naaru are supposed to be seen as like THE beings of Light like you would the Titans with Order or Elune with Life. They're considerably weak compared to the others… Been captured and used by Venthyr and Blood Elves, apparently fall to the Void after hanging around mortals too long, and their apparent top dog got one shot by Illidan.
The light is just as evil as the void. The titans are the real big baddies
All part of Zovaal’s plan guys!
I sure hope the void doesn’t manage to corrupt any more dragon flights. Or the intergalactic conquerors in the Man’ari. All our precious peace work can get undone so easily by these masters of manipulation but I just know none of that is gunna happen 🤦🏻 you cant make a competent villain go against us we suck so bad we literally had to have the titans rewrite reality and all we managed to do was put sargeras in time out. We are so screwed unless they whip out some insane plot armor worse than altering reality
My hope is that the end of the saga sees us losing the last battle but escaping, e.g. we fight a losing battle with the void but right before we’re toast we dip into an alternate timeline or something giving us further gameplay, a chance to undo bad expansions, and a possible future battle against a foe we lost to which makes for the highest stakes ever
Doron: We may finally get to see a voidlord in person.
My Warlock: I've been summoning void lords to Azeroth since level 10
We all know who the end game bosses are. It's gold farmers.
Those Void Lords might wanna think twice about invading as we pay monthly subscriptions. Not saying the fight will be one-sided, but the fight will be one-sided
I'm gonna be really mad if they let Xalatath have a "Sylvanas Moment", a crisis of conscience, where she realizes the Void Lords plan to betray and destroy her as well. Please, Blizzard. Something new.
I guess the Jailers dying statement was correct
I remain convinced that Amanthul created Void and is trying everything in his power to hide this. For example by imprisoning the other Titan who found out about this, aka Sargeras. Kind of how Tyr hides that he accidentally created Galakrond and gaslit the dragons into becoming his loyal pets.
How is alleria related to the sunwell?
What the hell is this accent???
maybe the process of making a void lord is what is happening to Alleria? and the person teaching her may also be one?
Please tell me you’re playing on a pirate server and you’re not paying these disgusting frat boys, any of your money that would be so disgusting!