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While returning to the old world the world soul saga will be adding a BUNCH of NEW Zones as well!
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
The world soul saga is all about returning back to the old world and revamps so we already know the settings of all 3 expansions.
However cleverly enough Blizzard has been setting up multiple new zones we are yet to discover through the quests, documents and the books and all of the zones I’m going to mention have been confirmed to be in the game and essentially it is only a matter of time before they actually appear. Back in Legion we knew the setting was going to be on the Broken Isles yet we got the entirety of Argus. Something like this will be happening in the world soul saga as well!
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]
Which one do you think is the first we are going to get? Also, get great deals with my discount code 'DORON'
We didn't get the whole world of Argus. We got three small zones without flying which did nothing but drive away the subscriber base. Newsflash everyone. The casuals who actually make the game profitable for the hardcore players to enjoy the game, have played most of the last expansions and drop off when the realize they have finally got pathfinder achievements only to have a patch drop where you can't fly ever. The people making the game profitable hate crap like that and have stopped playing at the end of every expansion consistently, until Dragonflight when they didn't do that nonsense. The last expansion we got flying at the start was 13 years ago and they wonder why they have slowly lost millions of people. The 5 people still playing since vanilla and hate flying need to be ignored so we can get back to a huge subscriber base so the game will continue
I want to see a new world tree for the night elves it was one of the seven wonders of Azeroth. If they push it to the side, I will be very disappointed. Why would you just destroy it???
Why i have the impression that most of tubers in every new video about the upcoming trilogy, keeps saying the same things, ALL OVER!?? WTF???
Uldaz is the un named engine in northrend
What were those books for that we gathered in the Dream?
You do this almost every expansion and a lot of times you end up being wrong.
I think it’s baby steps for WOW/Blizzard in terms of distancing themselves from the SL dumpster fire, it seems like they might finally be listening to what players want, a lot of the things mentioned in this video touch on old lore and old loose threads, Blizz has a very bad track record of destroying that stuff when they touch it, let’s hope when they do, they do it right this time
Uldaz obviously is about the trolls.
I would really like if draenei got their own city not a chrash site. One reason why i like draenor is shadowmoon valley is my favorite zone the ambiance the architecture is soooooooo good
I wonder if Galakrond may return in the Last titan considering that we would return to Northrend
Why was MS able to fire 1/2 the staff? Because blizzard has already completed all the work needed for the next 5 years
Holy shit brother slow it down II seriously thought you were talking in a different language at some points in this video.
I'm hoping Avaloren ends up being as big as Kalimdor or EK – or bigger.
Hello friend.
I am 99% convinced Uldaz awaits us at the end of the Coreway beneath Khaz Algar. It is likely the prison facility keeping watch over the worldsoul's stasis prison, and where the 11.2 raid against Xal'atath will take place.
Uldaz is zuldazar
Goblins and Gnomes already have a heritage questline. You probably mean just a race specific questline revolving around them like the forsaken, nelves, and worgens had
Ulthis, Ulthat.
That big pathway leading into the ocean in northrend that is show when they first talked about “path of the titans” feature for wrath that was dropped…where did that lead to?
They could finally tell us what happened to neptulon lol
I don’t want new zones… I want things to do all over the old zones
If we are going to have a Expansion or a New Planet I want to be like Outlands 7 or atleast 9 Zones like Northrend instead of 4 or 3. Becausing just having 4 Zones is so extremely dull, boring, and goes to show there isn't any kind of new content within the World of Warcraft itself. That's why I am hoping that Ethereal Homeworld will be atleast 7 to 8. Not 5 or 4 or 3. More Zones is better than nothing.