Vol'Jin Finally RETURNS But Not As A Troll! 10.2.7 Datamined INFO!

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New 10.2.7 heritage questline datamined info strongly hints at Vol’Jins return but not as a troll!
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We have datamined a whole bunch of NPCs that are going to be involved in the 10.2.7 troll heritage questline but most importantly the Zandalari and the Darkspear. Do you know what is the main connection between these 2? Vol’Jin the character that has already been planted in Ardenweald and is right about to return to Azeroth.

The reason we have not datamined him yet is because that would spoil everything as he is going to get a new model, as Vol’Jin was infused by the Zandalari Loa Rezan so he is going to look completely differently than what you remember him from the past. So let’s look at the evidence, what do we know, how will Vol’Jin return and what will his role in the future be like?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


20 thoughts on “Vol'Jin Finally RETURNS But Not As A Troll! 10.2.7 Datamined INFO!”

  1. We lost both Garrosh and Vol'jin around the same time, we deserve to have one of them. And since Shadowlands backed down from giving Garrosh Revendreth lore like Kael'thas, we could at least have Vol'jin. If Yrel's invasion ever happens, it would be fitting for him to oppose Grommash's traitorous son.

  2. Been waiting for this for so long, I really hope he comes back to Azeroth as part of the Horde and isn’t just some distant Loa on the back burner.

    I’d like to see him return with Loa like power balancing the power scales between Horde and Alliance leaders and leading us through the events of The World Soul Saga.

  3. They did the darkspear dirty since wow started. 20 years still no main capital city/village. The model is horrible. They should have gotten the stature the zandalari troll got without the gold stuff obviously!! 😤😤 Never planted successors to vol'jin etc.

  4. I was always disappointed that Vol'jin didn't kill Garrosh instead of Thrall doing it. After that quest and cinematic of Vj telling Garry to watch the shadows or whatever…it just seemed like a missed opportunity to give the upcoming warchief some more clout for being a badass.

  5. Mark my words, Vol'Jin will return as Loa of Kings on a semi saurid form with tusks and help Talanji and Rokhan become an official couple after we help their people reunite and become a single "troll nation"


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