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In this video I’m sad
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You were way younger than me when you got into MMORPG but I started earlier than WoW launch. I guess I am fortunate enough to already be an adult when I started an MMORPG because it was easier for me to quit and move on for my past MMORPG games. I guess it feels deeper within your core as a childhood thing.
WoW, its own worst enemy.
It hurts to part way with an old friend. And WoW had been just that: an old friend. Someone you've known for years, someone who changed but to some extent always remained the same. Always recognizable. I think this has gone for many players…
I admit, I never had this attachment since WoW wasnt my first game. As much as I loved it and enjoyed my time there… I dont know, seems like I never had this strong bond that many players describe. Cant say where this ship is going but its sad to watch. At least right now. Who knows, maybe they pull the ship around and make a new Legion, just better? Not to mention all the players still having fun…
"Why is this so sad?" because nothing of old Blizzard , you know the people that wanted to create a World worth exploring and loving, remains. I stoped after lich King (no Panda hate i was just done) and i dont regret it as my own Time in Wow was never tarnished by Activision/Cashzard.Now i play FFXIV and loving it but Wow will always be big as long as ppl belive Blizzard deserves Money for a frankly insulting Cashshop, Storemounts or rereleasing a 15 yo Game.
Can anyone tell me what the deal is with the guy on top of the dark portal?
I don’t even play WoW. Why am I sad ;u;
This video is sad because it wholly encapsulates WoW's history. Beginning, middle, and end. Yes we have arrived at the end.
thats exactly like i feel, lonly on the now empty ära classic server.
Captured a lot of experiences I had felt myself from the early days till my departure after Warlords. And yah, felt sad too. Good old memories from LK.
This reminds me of the wow doomin video.
I know we can’t offer you an identical experience, but I sincerely hope you find something you lost in our little realm of Eorzea. I’ve really enjoyed your journey, this video is very nostalgic and sentimental ❤️
I am sorry. Watching your reaction and knowing that others feel the exact same way is heart breaking. I think that watching what wow is becoming is sad. I hope they can change. I dont know if that will happen but like someone else in the comments had already said, ffxiv cant offer you what you lost in wow but it can offer a new experience, a new world to explore, new friends to make, new bad guys to bring low and new memories. I am sure a lot of ffxiv players are happy to see you in game and enjoying your adventures. Let us be excited together for a new chapter in the story. Your story.
Hi, I’m Japanese ff14 player. Actually I’ve never played WoW, but I could feel what this video show us. I really grateful that so many players live in countries other than Japan are enjoying to play ff14 recently. But I think this video also indicate that future of ff14. I know WoW is most popular MMO in the world. But now I think many WoW players think WoW has some problems to solve. FF14 is getting poplar day by day now. But one day, ff14 also face same or similar problems like in this video. Because ff14 is also MMO. Dev team and community are changing. In the past, now, and future. Anyway, this all is just my own opinion that’s all.
I felt the same way as this video went further along and its just the truth. This game made some incredible memories and I'm sure you made a lot of friends but the talent has left the building and the bottom line thinking, short term profit, cash grab shallows have taken over. C'est la vie, r.i.p.
This is my version of a messed up Rick and Morty episode ending.
I remember when all of my friends stopped.. i stuck around, tried to find new groups.. was just time wasted after that.
It's sad because it's real. It's painful.
I was never much of an RPG gamer, I would play Planetside (the classic) but yes the same thing that has affected WoW has affected the games that I once loved. Planetside 2 was one that I just didn't get into because of the same things that modern WoW is now, and it is every game from Halo (I never will play Halo 5 and Infinite isn't looking good). As of now I stick to mods and hobbyist game developers like Renegade X.
I was deployed in Iraq when the game launched, One of my squadmates went on leave and got picked up like 10 copies for the gamers we had there. We first played with about a 1200 ping if not worse at times…. I was only just playing before this video came out, can't even really call it playing. When carbot dropped this video I finally Dropped my sub after all these years.
Thanks for sharing this! It is a super sad video, I think because it resonates to every player that grew up with this game.