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Welcome back to MarcelianOnline! Today, you get our very first impressions and hands-on experience on WoW War Within Alpha! From class reworks to delves and zones, we go through it all and share as much as possible!
There is a lot to take in and you can be sure we’ll have multiple videos coming up on everything but until you all get that war within alpha access, count on us for testing everything available! Be sure to sign up for war within beta with a chance to get access to alpha as well on the link below:
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The WoW Player in 2024👀
OH YEAH! Warrior Hero Talents ARE LIT!👀
Big question is does it feel like a mmorpg game again or just another expansion with a theme park feel and no depth to the world
Have fun in the alpha. I opted in today.
I do admit the new spell book looks easier. And the new profession tab looks good too. Kind of can’t wait for beta testing now. Now I need to level a dwarf….
the color pallet for dragonflight and the war within remind me of spyro.
I wonder how the war band screen would handle 4 Taurens and their massive shoulder pads?
The hero talents are interesting, it bridges the gap between the other specs of a class.
Here before they make these mandatory and ruin them
all those quest icons i already see in live in my class order hall
Already can see m+ not having skips for the mounted parts
Let me guess another separate story, open world is pointless except to get rep for a grind for a vendor that gives worthless junk. Delves are the Diet Coke of mythic dungeons that won’t given anything worth value. Then you spend a year and 8 months doing mythic dungeons, raids, and PvP like always getting the only things valued by the vast majority of players. Players will continue to get bored of simply repeating the same process for almost a decade with just background changes and no real gameplay changes.
I'm not sold on warbands, but improved soulbinds with gw2's elites, er I mean hero talents sound like a great step forwards (if balanced correctly). At first I wasn't really that interested in delves, I thought they'd be open world dungeons like in TESO, but they sound actually way better than what I thought, thorgast without the downsides and it also fills that 'infinite tower' archetype they have in FF and TESO on top of that, which is great if the rewards are worth it.
I'm still scared about how raids are going to play out, I refuse to raid beyond getting AoTC the first week for as long as group loot remains a thing. Master loot for 100% guild groups in mythic difficulty as long as every member has been for at least 1 month within the guild, GDKP banned, personal loot elsewhere is the way to go.
and I probably will just play casually if they lock leggos/higher ilvl gear/broken trinkets behind end mythic raid bosses or delay catalyst stupidly again. Best gear for the content you do, from the content you do, faster gearing advantage from doing multiple types of content, it is that easy. I wish Ion wasn't that stubborn.
absolutely nothing excited me in this video, skipping the expansion
I can't believe you didn't realize there's only 4 spaces in the Warband because considering the character you will be playing, you can form a party for dungeons with 4 npc and you-
Delves are just another stupid gimmick from blizzard.
Are you sure that a Delve level 10 would be equivalent in difficulty to a (new) Mythic+ 10? Maybe the difficulty would be closer to the old Mythic+10 which is the new Mythic 0 instead?
Warband = the Lost ark character selector … Very original
So just one simple question, is gonna be more of the same?
Still want Stormbolt to go back to doing bonus dmg to stun immune targets! Feral(possibly Guardian as well?) Getting Leader of the Pack back baseline!
This looks like typical WoW dogshit. Thanks for sharing.
in the warband are include all ALTS or only the 4 in the campfire?
Torghast 2.0… no thanks.
big thumbs up for the visuals and warbands, hopefully quests, story and content in general will be as pleasing! i hope for ret, that the tree will contain less 2/2 nodes and difference between single target and aoe (currently ret has the biggest gap in st between st and aoe build in the game)