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Patch 10.2.7 goes live in just 2 weeks, with the WoW Remix Pandaria event a week after that – but these release date announcements may have also pointed towards a potential leaked release date for the War Within expansion or prepatch. Lets talk about it!
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Timestamps –
00:00 – War Within Release Dake LEAKED?
00:31 – Patch 10.2.7 release date
00:59 – Mists of Pandaria WoW Remix event release date
02:12 – War Within release date
07:08 – Will it be ready in time?
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MASSIVE Class Changes in War Within Alpha –
War Within all features preview –
Alts will NEVER be the same –
They need to give a date.. So we can take some days off work😂
What's up with the 4 hour maintenance on the 23rd ? I thought this was 10.2.7
Actually, PC Gamer did an interview about a month ago with Blizz, and during the interview he asked if War Within is in September or past and they told him it's not that far. He also predicted 10.2.7 to be mid May (confirmed real now), and August 20th to be the release for TWW, so…
3 months of MoP Remix seems quite long. I wonder how long it really takes to complete everything: new mounts, achievements etc.
SignsOfKelani, You got me hooked! Subscribed!
oh good, it ends in august… i was fearing i might miss it since im moving in early june and wouldn't likely be set up till late june
One thing i haven't seen anyone talking about… do we need to wait til the end of the Pandaria event to transfer the character to retail or you can do it at anytime you want it? I have some alts to create and was planning to do the lvling through the event… So… do you know anything about that?
I've had 8/20 on my calendar for months. I'm beginning to think my wild guess might actually be correct.
The prepatch/TWW will come out end of August 2024 because the Black Market vendor is selling cosmetics and telling us they're only available until the end of August. Why would they say August? Because the BMAH moves with every xpac.
I need to know when there is one month left before the expansion so I can come back and go though everything I missed since the first month of the expansion 🙂
the real BETA starts on expansion release, and you know it
Well, RIP season 4 I gues.
Give me like, 3 weeks to enjoy elden ring dlc and I love you Blizzard
you know the streamers broke when he takes offers from shadow legends.
Exciting times ahead
im legit excited for the next few months of mapped out content/QoL changes. blizzard rare W
the mount vendor that goes away at end of expansion says she goes away in august. so my money is on august for war within still.
Breaking free from the grip of Activision has been good for Blizzard.
how the hell the Radio for Fallout has Kelani and wow content n discussion in comments? I just watched recent Kelani vid and how I get this? whatta?
I can not imagine them jumping into TWW without properly ending MoP remix, so a 4-week prepatch right after MoP remix makes the most sense to me.
I’ve been really enjoying wow lately and very keen for TWW
i'm Guessing August 20th or August 27th for War Within. Because they keep saying there happy with the 8 week cadence.
"Half day head start" I think you mean "beta testing for EU"
Having 3 months to grind Bronze is actually insane if you think about how fast you can farm it. There are spots in Pandaria that are basically made to constantly grind mobs and I'm all here for it.
Content….polish….feedback encouraged….is blizzard making a comeback?! Is a little bit of the old Blizzard's soul bubbling to the surface?!
I was hoping it was going to go this way given how they’ve handled Minecraft but was still nervous.
So can anyone confirm
I cam start doing s4 keys tomorrow ? To gain IO ?
We went from "Where is the content ?" to "I can't handle so much content" 🤣 FOMO is kicking hard for me
May 14th diablo 4 season 4 and may 16th for this event.. I wish they'd at least be a week between these releases haha
As someone who alreadsy has all characters this mop event seems rather stupid and just exists to try and leech more money out of new players. No actual content for older players… and i wish dragonflight was more like shadowlands. i like it more then dragonflight. plento of content and mounts to farm. dragonflight has bin content lean since the release. All weekly lockouts…
man, to think we used to just wait for a year with nothing new to do before the next expansion…
I this is spot on.
I hope TWW is sooner than September lol….
I'm thinking about coming back to retail after over a year, I mainly play hunter and dk, thinking of trying Evoker, how are those classes currently? Btw RSL is p2w
So not interested in Retail World of Warcraft as I am not a twitchy 17-year-old.
I feel like with plunder storm that a lot of the anxiety may have been a little misplaced because at first it was a little daunting to me too. I’m not a PVP person really at all. But after tinkering around and running the matches for a couple hours, I quickly got into it and, made it to level 20 renowned before they doubled the XP. after that, it really just took me a few short sessions to hit 40 renown. Not knowing at first kind of made it a little exciting I’m not gonna lie.
Given that it used to be common for not much content leading up to a new expac; I appreciate they doing things like MoP Remix, plunderstorm even if I didnt like it personally, etc. I think the MoP event is going to be great to get all the characters for our warbands. Also my friend just started playing this year; it will be very helpful for her & others just getting into the game.
17th / 18th of September for release so there is a 1 month of prepatch
Still too many dead or low count realms.
No chance we get an August release date. It will be November – December 100%. Alpha was just released. 1-2 months of alpha, 3-5 months of Beta. I've been on the Alpha all week and it's not even close to being ready. All of the minor details aren't even in place. Unless they are using their massive QA team with Microsoft to test stuff for them. No chance we get an August release.
I just hope the acquisition rate of bronze is such that it's feasible to get enough of it to at least get all of the mounts and some of the transmog over the projected 3 month window without having to absolutely no life the game.. Also consider that season 4 of retail is up at the same time so you'll possibly be grinding bullion there for transmog/gear.. it's a lot in a short timeframe. Doubling the rate in the last couple weeks is better than nothing (plunderstorm) but maybe they'll be smart and start the drop rate higher at the start of mop remix fingers crossed
Why is WoW: Remix starting two days after D4 Season 4 starts?? That seems like bad timing for people that want to do both…
What FOMO do I choose? :^)
3 months is great i basically only get weekends to play now
I might be wrong, but I think them making an event centered around MOP is a clue that they'll stop classic at Cata, and they might switch full-time to classic + if anything. To me it's too strange releasing MOP content right around cata classic and then making MOP classic. They probably have something in store.