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Welcome to my resto shaman mythic+ dungeon guide for Shadowlands Patch 9.2. In this video I cover mostly the setup basics and rotation to get you started in dungeons. Don’t forget to like and subscribe so that you’re notified of my new videos! Read more below:
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I aim to create high level, yet easy to understand content for healers in M+ keystones for current World of Warcraft and into the new Shadowlands expansion. If you have any feedback, questions, or ideas for new videos – I’d love to hear it in the comments.
0:00 Intro
0:35 Race & Stats
1:44 Trinkets
2:12 Legendaries
2:52 Covenant & Soulbinds
4:27 Talents
5:15 Rotation
9:03 Cooldowns
10:05 Utility
Wow first time the notification works as intended on youtube, great video keep making content!
Great guide, will there be a Druid guide coming soon? 😁
i dont know what it is but your video seems better edited. keep up the good work
Awesome video. Really informative
As a tank main, I beg of all shaman players – please don't use earth ele during sanguine week
amazing video . once i get my 4 piece , how should i be using chain heal ? priority wise. im used to healing mythic plus but not raiding .
Another nice , quick, clean guide. Thanks for your hard work. 🙂
Great vid. Is first class healing distributer good?
What do you think about vent with skybreaker leggo? I have been trying it since i really dislike earth leggo, but i wonder what do you think of it
Having a prot or ret Paladin buddy in some dungeons makes them much easier with their cleanses!
Great! On point as always.
i liked and subbed. now tell dorki to make a bdk chad guide for the plebs like me
Hey Growl, big fan of the new edits overtop of your commentary. It helps keep my attention and it's really visually pleasing. Looking forward to more of these in the future 🙂
Great, concise guide. Thank you!
I was literally looking for this guide from you yesterday haha. Thank you!!
Do we know if the chain heal proc from 4p triggers the leggo for a free chain lightning?
You are the best, thanks heaps
So the 4 piece does make vesper cd?
Elijah Dirge – is that an actor? or is is uh – lee -see – an – Dirge?
does the duplicated healing from ascendance count towards cloudburst?
Great guide as always!
100k subs incoming soon! Let’s go
A great guide.
I kinda wish every guide was like this, quick,concise, ups and downs, rotations, cd managment, tips if grp is retarded, where Dorki Unholy dk dps meister.