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We get into details of what activities you can do in Season One of The War Within, and what gearing paths are available to you!
Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific
0:00 What’s accessible this week
2:20 How Delve progression works
5:48 Great Vault explained
7:49 Summary of what to do
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Missed some details about Delves that'll be on the more sweaty gear-focused guide coming soon:
4 Bountiful Delves are available per day.
What you "should" do for optimized gearing is to unlock difficulties off non-Bountiful Delves, then when you're ready, take on the four Bountiful Delves each day for the Veteran-Champion gear.
Okay, am I dumb? 0:52 who is that belt even for?
Instructions unclear, bran kicked me from a t3 :’(
wait so mythic + is 1 week later ?
Are all raid drops for patterns on a separate roll table?
No no, plz no song, have mercy!
Am i misinterpreting this or are you actually saying m0 is the same as m+ and not the war within ones?
I tried the event on my main because I said screw it its 1 key and you can only do so many delves a week. It was super buggy with 1 rare despawning as it was on the edge and for your first one you can only do the base one.
It would be funny if Brann got a “sweaty-hands” debuff randomly and kicks you out of delves
I need the details on the transmog at the very beginning!
wait m+ isnt out on the 10th?
No pvp vault is a big bummer
Bob, you have done it again!!!! DOUBLE AZERITE ALBUM BABY!!!!
raid finder and normal/heroic raids are on different lockouts?
Oh man im going to burn myself out doing everything all at once 😀
Thank you soul for this
One big thing you forgot to mention: Don’t forget that mythic 0 will no longer have a weekly lockout. Now it will be daily! You can do all 8 m0s every day
I would kill for the ability to reset prof knowledge. I put stuff in before i knew how it worked and i got screwed. can't even unlearn the proff to fix it
How do you get rewards from the great Vault? – I have done all 3 world parts but when I go to the vault I don't get anything from it
The song at the end. Been playing since the beginning and that til you're 90 bit got me chuckling.
Another Bob Banger 🤘🏻