There's a lot of mounts that you can't get on retail because if you weren't there or missed the event then you can't have it. If you weren't old enough to play wow during vanilla then that's too bad.
At this point, I agree. I can imagine people getting pissed fifteen years ago, but the TCG came out in 2006 and stopped in 2010. It's been 14 years since it was produced. Time to let others who may not have even been born yet to get a shot.
Swift spectral tiger on trading post was a stretch in my opinion, why jeopardize legacy? Blizzard will not even benefit from it moneywise, it's making something prestigious lose its significance literally for free
All unavailable items and any from any old raids, should be available on the shop. Just make the who game a shop + a house. But tmog and mounts to sit in your house all day.
Blizzard isn't that nice. I don't believe they will be giving people that tiger. Have you actually seen wows reward's? Seriously most are shit. Blizzard don't like giving people nice shit. Time and time again we have been shown this but people still don't wanna admit it.
I think many players need this reality check
100$ lol
There's a lot of mounts that you can't get on retail because if you weren't there or missed the event then you can't have it. If you weren't old enough to play wow during vanilla then that's too bad.
Bring back artifact appearances from Legion mage tower please I want them
Well , i think a form of the Swift spectral tiger will come to the shop/trader i think
At this point, I agree. I can imagine people getting pissed fifteen years ago, but the TCG came out in 2006 and stopped in 2010. It's been 14 years since it was produced. Time to let others who may not have even been born yet to get a shot.
They could also tweek it a bit slightly different color to leave the original drop special.
Swift spectral tiger on trading post was a stretch in my opinion, why jeopardize legacy? Blizzard will not even benefit from it moneywise, it's making something prestigious lose its significance literally for free
Nope they are going to keep the spectral tiger rare. Bmah is good enough.
Timed run gear needs to be made available again from MOP. So upset I took a break at that time and missed out.
Swift spectral gonna cost like 2000 USD. Plus they’ll make you pay an additional subscription free or it just turns back into a normal tiger.
All unavailable items and any from any old raids, should be available on the shop.
Just make the who game a shop + a house. But tmog and mounts to sit in your house all day.
I can’t wait to see folks meltdown over the spectral tiger. I’ll be happy when my patience wins out that I didn’t drop ridiculous money on it.
They already have put the swift spectral tiger in the trading post…
They may add the spectral tiger, but it won’t be as cool as the one from the card game
You’re probably right; but that doesn’t mean I want to see them rerelease my dark portal hearthstone or flag of pwnership
Everyone wants that spectral tiger, but I want that bloody chicken (magic rooster) mount 😂😂 would be awesome if it could fly 😅
I don't have any issues with the statement made here
Blizzard isn't that nice. I don't believe they will be giving people that tiger. Have you actually seen wows reward's? Seriously most are shit. Blizzard don't like giving people nice shit. Time and time again we have been shown this but people still don't wanna admit it.