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Hey man. Quick question ; does the drain life cancel if the lock is stunned or No? Thanks for Nice vids😊
Should pop the innervate as soon as you have the thought to live through the rot. Every global you spend reapplying HoTs, Dispeling, using forms, isn't doing damage. If there's no LoS involved you just gotta decurse n pump and hope for the best. 3-4 globals plus the fear/death coil you just ate before trying to sustain is waaay too much.
I haven’t played since p1 but the god damn lock tanks were unbeatable as a warrior
How do you win rogues? They have so much dmg and what feels like unlimited amount of control
Against caster without fellhunter..
This is what abysmal pvp looks like
And this is a lock not using felhunter mind you. It gets alot worse
Keep in mind this is a duel where the boundaries are tiny and that gives the warlock a huge advantage. I wonder if going cat and sprinting away wouldn't have been a better play than grenade. Also you have 2-3 chances to get a stun that can potentially win you the duel outright at least vs an IMP lock.
My man keeps playing scrubs and clipping it. Lmao
That lock sucks ass