Welcome to the KENNEL! Enhance Infinite Wolves! Shadowlands 9.2 builds

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Zuco explores more potential builds for Shadowlands upcoming patch 9.2! Feral Spirits has no cooldown?? Lets find out!

– Check out Zuco’s stream! https://www.twitch.tv/zucovibes


7 thoughts on “Welcome to the KENNEL! Enhance Infinite Wolves! Shadowlands 9.2 builds”

  1. for the witch doctors build in 9.1.5 (only the 4 set from the tier might cause you to take stormflurry over hot hands, but that needs testing), you want elemental blast with hot hands (with the lava lash conduit), its a lot more damage and your main damage will be lava lash by a lot. The priority for the rotation is hot hands lava lash > stormstrike > lava lash.

  2. There will actually also be a bonus of new shaman set and both bonuses (S2 and S4) are build around spirit wolves ->
    NEW Stormspirit (2-Set) Spending Maelstrom Weapon has a 3% chance per stack to summon a Feral Spirit for 9 sec.
    NEW Stormspirit (4-Set) Your Feral Spirits' attacks have a 20% chance to trigger Stormbringer, resetting the cooldown of your Stormstrike.

    I mean. That sounds pretty strong. 😀

  3. Subbing for more Enhancement tips and tricks. There is absolutely no-one out there giving the same indepth details about Enhancement.
    Gonna check through all your vids to get all the info I can about this spec.

  4. Whats really stupid with the Wolf bones legendary is that feral spirits themselves generate maelstrom weapon stacks, so no matter what it is a flat cooldown reduction and with windfury weapon procs (which is getting massively buffed with the conduit in 9.2) it just has the potential to go absolutely nuts.

  5. waves made a vid on this build as it currently is in 9.1.5 a while back, and its really solid sustained aoe pressure with hailstorm and nf. im not the best enhance sham by any means, and really its just a spec i play for fun, but man i may switch with all these bonuses, this looks so fun with the tier set and 2 legendaries.


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