What Actually Happened To WoW In 2023

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21 thoughts on “What Actually Happened To WoW In 2023”

  1. Honestly if all the gameplay improvements wasn't carrying Dragonflight from the gear upgrade systems to Talents and just general respecting the players time as well as a fast content kadence (basically gameplay is fun), It's safe to assume that with the narrative issues of dragonflight, Wow would be dead off the back of shadow lands being so horrible.

  2. Seeing this summary of clips play out like that really brings home how camp this game has become. It's like watching a calarts cartoon where everyone is gay and floating on rainbows.

  3. I always wondered why we ever messed w/the Oathstones if they were just going to be a non-issue.
    Dragonflight has been, for the most part, fun…but disjointed. Not as bad as BFA and certainly not the disaster that was Shadowlands…but it definitely has felt like a lot of things were tossed out, almost like in WoD…which would have been a great xpac, were it not for being completely abandoned.

  4. Has everyone forgotten Malfurion is supposed to be a a demigod level badass not a soyboy to get thrown around and basic bear standin ffs how are they so bad at their own story

  5. the reason why tyr was involved was to give the dragons thre powers back they totally dropped that .. ??? why ?? then genn is gone he retired ysera daughther is now in charge its seems like a changing in the guard.. the main char are retiring and there kids are now in charge.. it sweet .. I see it .. and now there will be a fresh start with the war within.. there a little carry over but not much .. were going forward to go backward but in a new skion updated way ..

  6. I'm torn because from Legion-Df (minus the horrendous GCD change in BfA and general nerfing of specs) has been the best this game has ever felt. But narratively it's been lacking since Legion.

    I loved Wotlk when I played it back in the day, so many good memories doing 25man ulduar and lich king. But I was pretty shocked when I played wotlk classic. It's better than classic and BC for sure, but it's still a completely different game than it is today. It's actually impressive how much they've improved.

  7. Bel… WHEN we had a well told, rounded story in wow? To listen you talk like this, looks you just arrive at the franchise right now. Or that in the last we had Tolkien writing quests to wow and only now we have fanfics being written…

    Yes should, must improve, but for God sake. Change the way you speak. Every single vídeo is the same. I be absent to the chanel and everytime is the same thing.

  8. My headcanon for the Oathstones will just be that they are a beacon to call dragons home, those that did not feel the 'call of the isles' like some of the more powerful ones did

  9. wows story since its inception
    biting off more than it can chew
    maybe a few less ideas each time, may yield some actual quality results
    as opposed to so so many "missed opportunities" and dropped ideas
    simple targets.
    look at what made wow the phenomenon it was, when it was released.
    how can they recapture some of that?
    stop aiming for the next galaxy and just shoot for the moon….its closer and easier to attain good results


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